Chapter 7 finding shanice

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Paul's P.O.V

I walked off after talking to shanice, I didn't wanna send her home but her mum wants her home for her prom I was gonna be there on the day of her prom but it's in a week she needs to get everything ready, Once she's left school and had her prom she has to go to college. the I saw her ran out the bus, I left her to cool down but I didn't realise she's gone for nearly 4-5 hours me and the boys tried looking for her, but they have to go to sound check I'm gonna drop them off and carry on looking for Shanice, it's been about another hour the boys are at arena and She's still not back, looked at my phone and realised she has rang me but my phone has been on silent, I tried ringing her again but her phone is turned off.

We drove all over Manchester, and I couldn't find her, then I saw in the corner of my eye a girl that looked like Shanice on a park bench near a abandoned Cafe. She was sleeping I stopped the bus and went to pick up and she jumped and screamed and started crying then she opened her eyes properly and ran and gave me a hug. it was now about 9pm and we went back to the arena.
It took 2 hours to find her, I'm gonna book her prom ticket buy her stuff and take her home the night before and stay there for prom and bring her back out on the road for summer, she can hang with Lou, Eleanor Perrie and Sophia I'm gonna speak to her mum about it tomorrow. We got back to the arena and Shanice was asleep again It took another 2 hours to get back so by the time we was back the boys were ready to leave, I left Shanice in the bus and went in and got the boys when we go in the bus Shanice was still asleep, the boys got straight in bed and they all went to sleep ready for what tomorrow brings.

A/n 2 parts in one night 😁
Sorry this is short but the 2 parts make up for it 😜😜

Paul Higgins step daughterWhere stories live. Discover now