|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈|

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It was a very beautiful day in Dreamswap. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming! On days like these a whole lot of crap happens! Technically the silence was kind of killed when a portal opened near the ground and out of that portal fell out the two girls. Ash was the first one and Amber landed on her with a 'oof'. Great way to come out of that one!

"I swear we still need to get a hang of doing that." Amber said getting up from Ash as she lent her a hand to help her get up. After a while Ash took Amber's hand and got up and looked around. She somewhat found the place familiar. Amber found the place pretty nice and probably somewhere they can hide for a while before they start AU hopping again.

"So any idea which AU this is? This looks pretty familiar?" Amber said looking at Ash who somehow spawned the menu board in front of her. She is technically able to do a lot of things like opening portals and stuff! Amber can also do it just not that much.

"We are technically in an AU called Dreamswap." Ash said and Amber's eyes widened. 'Wait isn't Dreamswap like an entirely different multiverse?" She asked as Ash nodded. "Yep!" She said as she made the menu vanish and started to think.

"I think we can stay a little longer here since it's a different multiverse. Can't believe we are that far from our world." Ash said and it's true cause the world they live in not so far from the OG! Multiverse but kinda from from this swapped multiverse.

"By the way! How much gold do you have?" Ash asked as Amber checked her backpack to see the amount of gold she has left. "I have 100G at the moment. What about you?" Amber asked Ash who was also fishing out the amount of G she has.

"I have like 500G in my bag right now." Ash said with a smirk while Amber gave her the face of displeasure. "Really Ash? Can't believe that AU was all about thievery and crap." Amber said slinging the backpack to her back. The last AU they went to was Malfratale and holy heck that place was dangerous as heck!

It also gave Ash the moment to go and steal some gold just so they could both survive. Of course when she was human she was really good at pick-pocketing but of course she started that after a very bad incident she went through. She never wanted to steal stuff in the first place but she had to for survival.

"So technically we are at a public park and good riddance no one is here since it's pretty early in the morning for them." Ash said as Amber looked at her confused. "It's technically almost nine in the morning." Amber said as Ash smirked. "Exactly! I mean no one comes here that early in the morning other than Lord Dream from JR if I am correct? I don't know about that Angel's routine or anything but I am getting vibes he wakes up earlier than anyone!" Ash said while Amber was probably processing what Ash just said.

"Oh and his right hand man Ink might be one of those people who wakes up early and Blue? I am not even gonna ask what he's up to and the Meme Squad? Probably living peacefully with the JR since this is and Outcome B timeline it's going through! Good timeline to be exact! Not the Worst Possible Outcome or anything or that would have been bad!" Ash finished saying as she look at Amber who was processing her words at the moment.

"I mean I know all of that just asking is all!" Amber said as she finds a nearby park bench and sits on it since she's pretty tired as she didn't get much rest and sleep for the past two weeks. It's been months they have been hopping from AU to AU to escape that demon while thinking of a plan to defeat him once and for all and till now, they got nothing!

"You know I hope our friends are okay? We haven't see them in ages plus due to the distance we couldn't even reach them!" Amber said looking pretty worried. "I can bet on my life they are and it's my fault we both got into this mess! I wish I never listened to him but no! Some fate had to turn me into this pile of mess with devil horns, nearly pale skin and black and red streaks down my eyes. Well at least I can take my human form and walk around these places." She finished saying. Man she she knows how to talk for hours. Normally she doesn't but of course she has warmed up to Amber overtime but she doesn't socialize with anyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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