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It felt like bliss. I had no idea where I was. Who I was. But, all I could tell was that it felt good.  

The pain I had felt before in my body was all gone, and I was finally able to walk without wincing. My surroundings were a bright white, and there was nothing I could see, except for myself. 

For some reason, at the time, it didn't bother me. I was just glad to finally feel something other than pain. I walked in the white, infinite abyss, my mind finally feeling clear and growing in curiosity on where I am. 

"H̸̥͗ẽ̴͔͉̦̅͂l̶̨̜̮̜͋͋ĺ̷͚͊̊͆o̴̼̿̆̎.̶̗͔̔̍͝͠" I heard a strange, echoing voice behind me, causing a shiver to run down my spine. 

"H-Huh?" I stuttered, turning around. There was nothing there. I stayed where I was, looking around me to see if I could find anything, or anyone

"Ỉ̸͓̺͓́̄ͅ ̶̥̗̈́c̵̲͉̏̉̚͜a̴̘̺͕͒͐ņ̵̹̘͉̄̋̂̈́ ̶̡͍̺̀̀̅̕ḁ̴͐̀̓͐l̶̼̭̣̹̏w̷̢̢͕̏̓̏͠á̴͇y̶̟̋̅š̸̛̰͗ ̶̼̦͙̈̽͊h̴͕̣͍͐̓͑͌e̸̺̽̎a̵̙̺̱̪͆͒ř̵̖ͅ ̵̤̼̹̽͆y̷̧̤̘͋̓̊o̶͎̹͐̉ǔ̷͔͚̱.̴̘̱̼̊̀͐" The voice boomed in my ear, a black wave of dust surrounding me, taking over my thoughts...


I woke up with a start, beads of sweat forming on my head. Instead of the wasteland where I last was, I was in a small, cozy room. I was lying down on a small twin bed, right next to a small desk with a lamp, which had a window right behind it. Right in front of me, a brown, wooden door stood, near the corner of the room, right next to a small dresser. 

"Hello?" I called, confused on where I was, but thankful that I was somewhere other than out in the wild. I sat up, and stared at the window, trying to get a closer look at where I was. 

"I see you're awake." A deep voice called from the door. I turned around. 

At the doorstep was a strange figure,  with strange, fiery red wings and a glowing mask, which seemed to give him the impression that he was sad. On his head, he held two crowns, a big, red crown and another with a smaller stature, which was colored black. On his chest, he wore a strange symbol, as if multiple stars were all placed on top of one another. Something about his demeanor gave off that he was powerful, and wasn't someone to be meddled with. 

I pushed my back towards the edge of the bed in surprise, and looked up at the figure. 

"O-Oh, hi!" I paused, looking straight at the figure. He didn't say anything. I scratched my head and replied, "T-Thank you. F-For saving me at least." 

The figure merely nodded and said, "you are welcome." 

The two of us sat in silence. I fidgeted with my hands and looked out the window, seeing the peaceful view of the outside. I could feel the figure's strong gaze on me, though I couldn't see his eyes itself. 

"W-Who are you? And, where am I? W-Why did you decide to save me?" I said quietly, watching the window, trying to avoid the figure's gaze. 

"I am Robert_Void, but, you may call me Robert. I am first of the Void family and the father of, quite reputable children," he paused, shifting his gaze to the window, "as to where we are, this is the Void Intuitive. One of the few permanent recluses from the plague, protected by a wall created by Null Labs, something my daughter Holly created."

"And, about why I saved you, well, it was a part of my ethics to do so. You were quite close to dying either way..." 

I raised my eyebrows shamelessly at Robert, who had turned back to face me. 

"Ahem, I apologize. But, what really matters is how long you'll be staying." 

"Oh?" I went silent. I had just realized that I probably wouldn't be welcome, let alone be able to stay in the Void Intuitive.  

"How long will I be eligible to stay here?" I asked, tilting my head. 

"Until you heal," Robert responded, "unless if you'd like to join us." 

"What do you mean, join?" 

"You will understand in due time. But, until then," Robert pointed towards the dresser, "I believe you should put on some clothes, you might not have noticed, but, you seem to be buck naked at the moment." 

I flushed and looked down at myself for the first time, and, indeed I was. I pulled the blanket up to my chest and exclaimed, "ah!" 

Robert turned around, and started walking away from the room.

"I would like to meet you outside after," Robert stalled, turning back to face me.

"Song Heart. My name's Song Heart." I said, nodding.

"See you then, Song," he nodded, then walking away. 

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