Chapter 5

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We headed back to the house as fast as we could, with Jacob and his pack fallowing us. We ran so fast that we were back within seconds. We bolted in the house and a few seconds later so did the pack.

"What do we do!?" I screamed. We all walked into the living room. "What did he mean when he said you won't want to be hear when she wakes up?!" I yelled again. I mean we killed her she was dead I staked her in her heart!

"There is nothing we can do..... She is coming for us soon and she won't stop. She has brothers klaus isn't the only one....she has three more." Alice pipes up. We all turn to her in aw. The rest of the room shifted around.

"Call the Denil clan they will help us" Carlisle spoke up. I shook my head in protest.

"No Tanya won't get into fight with the risk of the Volturi getting involved. The won't." I said. Which was true Tanya wouldn't let that happen. But we have to do something! "Call them.... I mean a new breed of vampires! Aro will be delighted to meet them and we can see who is the better. The Volturi or the Originals." I said turning to each and every one of them.

Everyone seemed to agree with me. I turned and picked up the phone and dialed their number. The phone rang and rang. Finally on the 6th ring Aro's voice answered the phone.

"Ahh to what do I owe the pleasure of your call Mr. Cullen?" He asked. I sighed in relief that he answered and not anyone else.

"We have a problem" I said bluntly. Gasps filled the air as I said it. Small laughs fill my ears as Aro laughs quietly.

"And what is that Mr. Cullen?" He snickered threw the phone. I sighed and looked down a the ground before I continued.

"With the Original family" I said without shaking my voice. There was a fast answer from Aro.

"And who are them hmm?" He asked I was astounded. Didn't Klaus say that he met the Volturi!? The whole room gasped and I looked as the hope ran out the door. Wired.

"They are a different breed of vampires and they clam to be the first vampires alive" I said. Silence. Absolutely nothing came from the other line. I looked at my family nothing moved nothing at all.

"We'll be there tomorrow to address this situation" then he hung up like nothing happened. I set the phone on the counter and breathed the breath that I was holding in. I went to the couch and sat down next to Alice.

Next thing I knew Alice was pulled into a vision going completely stiff, mumbling unrecognizable words under her breath. When she was done her eyes had glazed and she turned to the rest of the family.

"Run" was all she said rocking back and forth. And like right on the right moment their was a knock at the door.


Hey guys I'm sorry I'm not updating that much and I apologize for the length of this chapter it is soo short IM SORRY!! Keep reading though :)




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