Chapter 2

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Oh my god. Who was he I mean I knew his name but he wasn't like Edward, he was different. I stepped out from Edward and looked at him he smirked and tightened his grip on Alice and Rosalie.

"COME IN!" I screamed before Edward could stop me. Klaus dropped Alice and Rosalie to the ground, they were gasping for air as Carlial and Emmett came into view they had fangs bared and walking slowly over to them.

"Ah you see love it wasn't that hard was it?" Klaus said right in front of Edward pushing him to the other side of the room. I screamed as klaus picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. Edward got up quickly and was knocking me off of klaus. I fell to the floor. I looked up and seen a woman with long blond flowing hair, she was flawless, her skin free of zits or marks of any kind. I got up and she looked at me she smirked.

"What do you want?"Carlial said walking into the house. I tried to walk over to Edward but the blond stopped me.

"We'll you see I am a hybrid. An original hybrid. And that army you killed and Victoria, yeah she was mine. I needed that army for me!" Klaus said screaming. I moved trying to yet more comfortable.

"Come on klaus I am getting bored can we just kill them and leave I'm getting hungry!" The blond said looking down at me. Edward ran at her but klaus stopped her.

"Now now Rebekah let's not loose our temper now should we?" Rebekah rolled her eyes and looked at me. She smiled evilly.

"Fine but if you don't hurry I will kill her." Rebekah said casually. Edwards nose flared and klaus smirked.

"Fine, Edward is it well who should I kill first? The blond." He said turning to Rosalie "the pixy" he said turning to look at Alice "the smart ass" he said turning to Carlial "or you" Klaus said turning to me. Just then jasper walked in and was horrified he seen us all and understood he stood there terrified.

"Come sweetheart I need to tell you something." He smirked. When I didn't move Rebekah shoved me into him. He was warm and I felt the mussels under his shirt, I could help but want to stay there and feel the warmth radiating off of him all day long. He turned my head up so that's looked into his eyes.

"I want you to cut yourself." He said. I stared at him like he was crazy.

"What?" I said pulling away from him.

"Rebekah she resisted my compulsion... Bit her." Klaus said I screamed as Rebekah pulled me to her and I seen her eyes change to black and red and dark vain came under her eyes. She bit me I thought there would be some stinging felling like James gave me but there was none. As soon as she grabbed me she let go wiping the blood from her mouth liking her lips.

Esme walked in and screamed when she seen me. Klaus smirked. I got up and ran over to Edward holding my neck. He froze and I ran into the kitchen to clean myself up.

I wrapped the bandage carfully around my neck and taped it there. I walked into the room again and found klaus on the couch smiling.

"Sorry love it's just that you resisted my compulsion and I am not a patient man" he laughed. And I started to cry. "Ah don't cry love it okay you will be fine I just want payback that's all." He smiled and I stopped crying.

"Now what my brother is trying to say is that you- all of you are coming with us and if you don't we will kill of you and kill her slowly and let me tell you my brother knows how to inflict pain trust me!" Rebekah said then smirked.

"And what do you think that we will?" Jasper said walking up to Klaus.

"Just as we said we will kill ALL of you!" Klaus yelled. Just then Alice fell to the ground having a vision. Her eyes rolled back into her head and had tears running down her eyes.

"Great what is happing to her!" Klaus said turning to Alice. I walked over to Alice and sat by her.

"She is having a vision ass hole leave her alone." I said to him. He smiled at Her. When she was done she gasped for air. She didn't speak at all she just sat there with wide eyes and started to rock back and forth.

"Tell me what you seen love." Klaus said sitting on the couch. She didn't say anything so he simply walked over to her and pushed me to the side. He picked Alice up by her neck and looked into her eyes.

"Tell be what you saw." Klaus said. Alice fell to the floor and looked up to him. Her eyes glazed over.

"You killed a lady with brown hair and a man was going to kill you but then he saved you because you told him something and you turned into a wolf for 3 days." Alice said she cried silently.

"Ah the doppelgänger Elena I must kill her okay then.... Come now we have lots to do and prepare for." Klaus said walking to the door but then he changed his mind and looked at us like he knew that we went going to fallow him I held tight to Edward bit it was no use, he ran over to to Edward and threw him a crossed the room and he hit the bookcase, before he could get up he had me over his shoulder.

"Come with me or you will never see her again."Klaus said. I didn't hear anything I just heard a lot of footsteps fallowing klaus and his sister Rebekah.


What do you think it took me a while to wright this I was busy for the past couple days.



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