Top 20 Things About Me Tag!!

190 9 94

I got tagged by cutekitteh1111.
1. I'm a girl

2. I have 2 pet guinea pigs, 1 pet chicken and many fish

3. I started Wattpad last year, in August

4. I have four favourite words starting with "f" Food, Friends, Family and FLUFFY UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. I am obsessed with warriors

6. I am Jayfeather's one and ONLY mate.... (Sorry JadeSnow16 and fireblaze101, but he's taken!)

7. I am a person.

8. I have fed a cassowary before

9. My bestest of the bestest best bestie is fireblaze101. I found her on Pic Collage. Fireblaze, if you ever left me, you would leave a massive hole in my heart, a hole that only you can fix. I love your personality, your creativity and how you never fail to impress. You have made my life sooo much better. Continue on being yourself, the person that means so much to me. 💚💙 (I think that we might be sisters from another mister...)

10. My fav word is 'Meep' I dunno why... Don't question

11. My birthday is right after Valentines.... (I wonder what Jayfeather will do for valentines and my birthday! Double pressies in 2 days?)

12. When I get a job, I wanna be a FLYING UNICORN THAT EATS COTTON CANDY ALL DAY!!! (Or a vet.)

13. My fav colour is green.

14. I LOVE SILVER FOXES. SAVE THE SILVER FOX!!! (No, really. They get poached for their beautiful fur coat.)

15. I think (I mean I know cause it's true!) that snakes are cute, cuddly, furry and fluffy

16. I WILL be friends with you if you ask.... Or if I ask.... Or if.... Err.... Just I wanna be friends with anyone nice, okay?

17. I'm the youngest person in my family. (Even my pets are kinda older than me... Well, in their own years)

18. I dunno what this is called but when I see someone in pain, I feel pain. If I see someone sad, I feel sad. If I see someone happy, I become happy. If people are held hostage in a café with a terrorist overnight, I'm worried and CANNOT go to sleep.

19. I care for everyone. (Feeling down? Just talk. To me)

20. My bestie in real life is MysticLuna10. SHE IS SOOO AMAZING!! (No more until later.... I have a surprise for her!)

I tag:










-Female_Robin (we haven't talked in a while... Sowwy!)

Bye! Suprise is next! :D

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