Im now offically a Marshmallow

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Yup. The title says it all. I'm a year older!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!! It's not fun. I'm sooo bored. Waiting.. Till the party starts.

I'm so bored.
Going to go make a book with super close up stuff.


(If you can't tell what I mean by IM A MARSHMALLOW, it's my b'day. Hmm.. SO BORED.)

Oh!!! I remember now! I NEED TO TELL YOU 2 FUNNY THINGS THAT HAPPENED!! One was on Friday, at school.

I NEVER EVER EVER THOUGHT I COULD GET A HEART ATTACK BY A TEACHER. But I did. The whole class did actually. It all started liked this,

So we were writing our plan for our narrative (YAAAAS) and the window was open. When our (BORING) teacher was explaining something, she was in front of the open window, her back facing it. Then suddenly,

HISSSSSSSSSSSS!! Everyone shot up from writing in less than a millisecond to see our teacher scream very high pitched. In that moment, we all had a heart attack. Then, we saw a teacher, near the window, laughing. Then we all laughed. CAUSE TECHER SCREAMS ARE HILARIOUS!!!

Second funny thing happened on Saturday. We were on a car ride when we saw 3 girls holding a sign on the side of the road. What did it say? 'FREEE HUGS'!!!

Both of them are true stories....

SHOUT OUT TO Bicky_BeCalm and Lionstar_Brightheart BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME AND GUESSED THE SLAT AND PEPPER THING. (Sorry for caps lock!)


Plus Shout Out to Saphira014 and lamb777 for being so kind to me today! And x_Songbird_x... For the bday wishes.. And also @Star-Wolf and FoxClan and Tahoma1470 and SnowmoonWolf and @EVERYONE THAT IS SOOO NICE TO MEEE!!! for the lovely wishes!

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