Chapter 6: The Search

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It's been all night. We stop and Naga pants from the long walk. I believe were all tired. "No sign of him." Korra says

"We've gotta keep looking. But where? " Mako looks down, tired.

Korra gasps and says, "I have an idea! " Before grabbing a hold of the saddle and urging Naga to a different direction. It takes us a while but we eventually turn up to a park, Naga walks us all to the center fountain and drinks, Pabu joins her.

While we get down and rest Korra indicates to an area by the fountain. "The other day when I first came into town, I ran into an equalist protester over there. "

"And you think they'll okow where Bolin is? "

"It's our only lead right now" She finishes.

We take the time to get comfortable for the time we have to wait and stay in silence for a while. Korra and Mako sit against Naga while they wait, I opt to be on a tree close to them as to not cause too much awkward tension. Mako gives me a suspicious stare for a while but repents to rest his eyes.

After a half hour or so Korra starts up a conversation with Mako. "So... Why is Bolin running around with the triple threat triad anyway? "

Mako becomes a bit flustered at this and looks away, "Well, we used to do some work for them back in the day. " He tries to say it casually but Korra is shocked nonetheless.

"What?! " She stutters and then looks at him accusingly, "Are you some kind of criminal? " I think on it a bit, he really doesn't look like one, is he?

He retorts, " No. You don't know what you're talking about! I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street! I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother. " Guess that resolves that then.

Korra is a bit sad now, "I'm sorry. It must've been really hard. " She pauses, "Can I ask what happened to your parents? "

He sighs, then looks at her strait, "They were mugged by a fire bender. He cut them down right in front of me. " He looks down, "I was eight. "

"Mako... " She sounds sad.

"Bolins the only family I have left. If anything happened to him... " He then pulls his red scarf up and doesn't say another word. We all stay in silence after that. At some point we all fall asleep.

I'm woken up by the sound of someone screaming, I immediately look toward the two to see them shuffleing away from each other. Korra flustered. She tries to play it off and points to a man an a podium shouting into a loud speaker. Korra gets up and walked towards the man, Mako following close behind and me right after. The loud man shouts at her about how she can't silence him, before slapping the loudspeaker put of his hand and having it shatter against the pavement.

"Shut your yapper and listen up. " She says as a command, " My friend got kidnapped by some chi-blockers. Where'd they take him? "

He shouts"I have no idea what you're talking about. "

"Oh, I think you do. " She responds. With earth bending she kicks up a table of some kind of flyers, they go everywhere. He attempts to pick them up. Mako catches one midair and reads aloud. "Witness the revelation tonight at 9:00. What's this revelation? " He asks the man. The man snaps back, " Nothing that concerns the likes of you two. She grabs him and picks him up by the collar. " You better believe it concerns us. Spill it. "

"No one knows what the revelation is!and I have no idea what happened to your friend. But if he's a bender, then my bet is he's getting what's coming to him. "

I try to pitch in a question of mine, "Wheres it happening? " I don't get the chance to get an answer before I hear a whistle. It seems to be a guard of the park. "Hey! What's going on over there?! "

The man takes his chance, "The avatars oppressing us! Help! "

Korra tosses the man aside, " Let's scram! " And runs to Naga, I follow and notice mako pick up a few of the flyers. Korra makes it first and mako second. As soon as I hop on behind them Naga bolt's to the streets.

We wid our way through the city streets, eventually after an hour deciding we probably lost them and we rest at a trolley stop.

We've been skimming over the flyers for half an hour, they're now scattered around us, I sat on the ground mostly because there isn't enough room for all of us comfortably on the bench. The grounds always been comfy anyways. I mean that seriously.

" Why didn't the equalists put a location on these? " Korra questions, rightfully so.

Mako answers sarcastically, " Probably because they don't want just anyone waltzing into their big revelation. " He exaggerates. " Whatever that is. "

" I bet the information is hidden on here somehow. " He comments.

I point out" Look at the backs. " I comment.

Mako agrees, " Yea, there's four different images. "

Korra smiles" So, it's a puzzle. "

" Yea. " Mako smiles as well. " Of a map! " He takes them and brings them over to the station map and compares them until he finds they line up. " Bingo. "

" That must be where it's going down. " I say and we smile at each other, a version of rejoice.

We've decided on going later that night, Mako lends us some clothes that I notice are more like coats, I keep the scarf and pull down the hood. " You two go first, I'll follow after. " They nod, even though I'm sure they question me, and walk to the entrance. Korra takes mako by the arm and I can't help but wonder if they're close.

They walk up to the bouncer and they exchange words for a while. Mako takes out a flyer and hands it to the man and he waives them in. A minute later I follow, when he asks for an invitation I do the same, he nods and smiles, letting me pass. The place is what looks to be an abandoned factory or warehouse. The walls coated in thin dust. I come up to a railing, overlooking what has to be hundreds of people, maybe more. Gathered close together. Most wearing common clothes or almost poor rags. I spot mako and korra in the crowd, as discreetly as I can I get close.

Lights come on and an announcing voice booms, " Please welcome your hero! Your savior! Amon! " The stage at the far wall opens from the floor, light flooding from it like a mock holiness. Seven people rise with it, the man up front and center like a beacon as a spotlight turns on, illuminating him. He raises his head and a pang of fear strikes my heart, like a childhood nightmare before me.

The man in the mask from the posters. The Equalizer.


Hello everyone, I think I owe you all an apology. It's been months since I've uploaded and I've been getting a lot of people commenting great things and I am so sorry it's taken me this long to get back. Aside from writers block I no longer have Netflix where I used to watch the show so I stopped updates for a bit. I didn't want to have a chapter update that just said for you guys to wait so I wanted to say this after the new upload.

Thank you everyone who commented and voted for this story, I find it amazing. As for business the name" Y/n " Won by a long shot. I said before how I was afraid it would break up the pace but if that's what you guys are fine with then that's fine by me. If you guys ever want to change it that's okay, just let me know. I'll be uploading hopefully more often because now I've found a new way to watch it. Have a nice day and I hope you all had a great Valentine's.

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