Chapter 2: Holy Maiden (Part 1)

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Chapter 2: The Holy Maiden
Alexander's P.O.V

It's been a week since the occult research club welcomed Issei and it has also been a week since I joined Rias Gremory's peerage.

Yup... I joined Rias' peerage and became her pawn

I know getting turned into a pawn sounds bad but the piece that was used to turn me into a devil was special.

She said that it was stronger than a normal pawn piece and she said that the piece that she used to turn me into a devil was as strong as 7 pawn pieces combined that's why I don't feel so bad.

And now that I'm a devil I do devil work and and that work includes giving away pamphlets that summons devils from the house of Gremory and granting humans wishes and making contracts with them but I still do my work as an assassin.

Me and Issei, since were both new devils, do this work. I have to say I was doing a good job. I made two contracts yesterday and the ones who summoned me were otakus so the only thing I had to do was to cosplay for them which was easy for me to do since I'm an otaku myself and I go to cosplay conventions whenever I'm not on a mission.

Anyway back to the present.  I was now in the clubroom eating cookies with Koneko.

Me and Koneko get along pretty well. We would often eat lunch and eat sweets together.  Sometimes I even buy her candies and stuff.

And I don't know why but Koneko somehow reminds me of a cat and it's not just her name. I always get this feeling that I'm with a cat whenever I'm around her.

"...Alex-senpai" she called my attention making me snap out of my thoughts


"... Is there something wrong? " she asked me making me look at her in confusion

"No..Everything is alright" I replied "What makes you think that something is wrong? "I asked

She stayed silent for a bit before answering "... You were frowning a moment ago so I thought something was wrong"

I shook my head and put my hand on top of her head "Everything is fine so you don't have to worry, okay?" I said to her while giving her a small smile

She nodded and continued eating cookies. I removed my hand from her head, which for some reason made her frown.

She took my hand and placed it on top of her head. I looked at her curiously.

She looked at me with pleading eyes "...Pet"

I raised an eyebrow on what she said "You want me to pet you?"I asked and she just nodded in response.

I smiled and started petting her head. She suddenly purred in satisfaction surprising me but I didn't stop petting her.

"Ara, ara you two really get along Ufufu" Akeno commented while putting two cups of tea in front of us. "it's almost like both of you are siblings"

"Really? " I asked while finding something that me and Koneko have in common.

Akeno was right.  I could probably pass as Koneko's older brother because of my white hair.

"It's nice seeing my new servant getting along with the others"Rias commented while looking at us.

"Well it is better to get along with everyone than to fight with them"I replied while still petting Koneko, who managed to crawl to my lap without me noticing.

"So what's our agenda today?" I asked

"Hmmm. ... For now were waiting for Yuuto and Ise to return and then we will start the meeting" Rias answered

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