Chapter 4

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Barry and Felicity photo above

It was a cold snowy day and I had my favorite pink scarf wrapped around my neck. Something made me feel like this was going to be a good day.

"Well? Are we ready or are we ready?

"Of course we are Barry! We've triple checked our report and I am positive we will have a good score"

"Good score? More like win this thing!"

I laughed. Oh Barry, always so cocky and confident, but I don't blame him. I mean we really did pour our hearts and soul to this report.

The elimination rounds just ended and news was going around fast, so many speculations about who got in and who didn't.

"So I heard Jenny and her teammates got in!"

"Omg!! Brad for sure got in! He is so smart"

"Well.. what do you think?"

"What do you mean Barry?"

"You know, how do you think we did?"

I smiled and just as I was suppose to reply, an announcement came

"Attention students, Our champion for today's event is none other than team Smoak and Allen"

The crowd around us cheered and they even got me and Barry a medal.

"Well, Felicity? I'm waiting" he smirked

"Okay Barry, you win! I'll buy you pizza later!"

So much smiles and cheers inside the auditorium, the scene was almost too perfect. When suddenly,

"Quick quick! Something inside the lab exploded! And the lab's on fire!"

Everyone panicked, rushing and pushing each other to be able to reach the door. I on the other hand was desperately looking for Barry. I couldn't breathe and I need to get out of this situation fast. I could feel my body giving up on me, I yelled as loud as I could but I didn't get to see Barry.

I felt my body collapsing, slowly falling down to the ground when suddenly, I was in someone's arms.

"Hurry! Get the nurse, she's gonna collapse any time soon!"

"B-barry? Is that y-you?" My eyes were slowly closing and all I could remember was

"Hey, you'll be alright, it's okay I got you"

I woke up seeing nothing but the color white, it felt so strange it was like I awoke from a dream.

"Felicity! My baby! Are you feeling better?

"M-mom? Hi, yes I'm getting back to my senses"

"Mrs Smoak, it's my fault I should have stayed close to her.. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been in this situ-"

"No, Barry I know you did all that you can. I don't blame you, I'm thankful for everything you have done."

I was so used to the fact that Barry was the one always saving me and that there couldn't be anyone else.

I stayed in bed almost all morning, trying to regain my strength. But my curiosity was growing so I called up Barry.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?"

"No Barry, I'm fine. I just wanted to know... I just wanted to know if you knew the person who was able to catch me during the stampede."

It took a while before he responded and he said

"It's your bad boy, he's the one who saved you"

I couldn't believe it. Roy would actually do that? I must've not noticed that I hung up on Barry, so I just stared at the window, thinking about why he actually saved me.

Just then, a car stopped at my house. It was a very unfamiliar car, I've never seen it before thus I have no idea who it was. But I'm sure it's probably just one of my dad's friends. I closed my eyes for about three seconds and when I opened them, I saw him.

Roy Harper, slick and cool as ever. Walking towards my door, damn was he hot. It probably took me about five seconds to realize that ROY HARPER IS WALKING TOWARDS MY DOOR!!

I tried to go down as fast as I could but before I could even reach the top of the stairs, the door bell rang.

My mom, clueless as ever thought it was Barry, so she freely opened the door and was surprised to see someone else.

"Oh my! Well aren't you a new face around here" My mom said in a joyful tone

"Ugh.. I was wondering if you know where Felicity Smoak's house is? I was told she lived in this village"

"Well you sure did come to the right house! What is it that you need from her exactly?"

"She dropped her pink scarf during the stampede and I just wanna give it back

My mom smiled "Oh you are such a dear! That's her favorite you know! Hold on now, I'll just call her!"

"Oh uhm that wouldn't be necessary, I'm sure she's resting!"

"Nonsense! I'm glad to know she has other visitors other than Barry"

I was walking back and forth in my room, why was I feeling like this? I feel nervous and shy!

"Sweetie, there's a boy who came to see you!"

I tried to act cool so my mom wouldn't notice that I was actually freaking out.

"Huh? Mom you know you could just call Barry by his name right?"

"No!! This one's different"

I came down the stairs thinking about the things I would say once i'm actually in front of him. "Hey there!" "Hey partner wassup?" "Hey, how's it hanging?" I couldn't make up my mind and I was already at the living room. There he was sitting down at my couch, damn was he hot.

I was staring at him for quite some time again because my mom suddenly sneaked up on me and said loudly "Well? Go on now! The cute boy's waiting!"

I totally froze.

He stood up and handed me my scarf. "I believe this belongs to you" he smirked

"Yeah, it is! Thanks for bringing it to my house. But you know you should have just given it to me in school. So- so that it wouldn't be a bother." I replied shyly

"It's cool! I live near here anyway"

I nodded and stared at him again, thankfully he broke the silence by saying "Well I better go now"

I nodded but then my mom went like "Felicity! Bring him out the door!"

I walked him out the door and watched him as he got inside his car. He opened a window and waved goodbye just before he drove away.

I ended up staying outside for more than ten seconds, for his goodbye gesture seemed to be so familiar to me.

I closed our door and leaned on it, yes! It was all coming back to me! Roy, roy I know him!! I ran upstairs and took out my preschool yearbook and there I saw a part of my past slowly unfold.

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