Chapter 2

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Felicity Smoak photo above

The days came by quicker than usual.

For some odd reason, Roy has been absent in class for about a week now.

And I wasn't the only one who noticed it

"So the cute guy Roy- ugh I haven't seen him in like a week? It's so totally annoying!!"

"Well well, looks like you're not the only one looking for the mystery boy" he teased

I grinned at Barry, ordering him to stop with the teasing but he just laughed it out.

As I was walked by the hallway, I stopped and looked at the bulletin board for some announcements.

Science fair sign ups, Elimination day this Friday.

I quickly took the pen that Barry had in his hand and wrote down me and Barry's name

"Woah woah! Who says we're gonna do this?"

I stopped writing and faced Barry with a sad face

"Oh cmon Felicity! Don't do this with me! You know I can't stand that face!" he said while shoving his hand on my face

But I didn't stop, I was determined to get what I want. And I did!

"Okay fine! We can start later" he sighed

I smiled and finished up writing our names.

It was the last class of the day and I was just waiting for my name to be called, when suddenly-

"Uhm.. Hi I'm Roy, I'll be your new student"

I was startled to see him. I didn't expect him to actually be here and the bad part is that Barry isn't my classmate for this class

"I see, sit next to Ms Smoak"

Well shit! Why do we always have to be seatmates? The seat next to mine isn't the only seat available you know! And it's not that I don't like him, it's just that I don't trust him.

"Well we sure are inseparable huh?" he teased

Oh damn was his voice hot! It was husky and ugh- Okay! Gotta take two steps back

"Well you seem to be MIA these past few days?"

He chuckled

"You noticed huh?"

"Everyone did! Well you know mostly your classmates and teachers but yeah the word goes around real fast."

"Hmm I see and what are their theories to why I've been missing in action?"

Something about his question made me feel awkward, almost like he was hiding something or that there was a big reason to why he has been absent. He was making me feel weird and I didn't like it.

"I wouldn't know, I don't listen to gossips" I said vaguely

He chuckled again "Yeah, I figured you're not the type"

He then faced the board because class was going to start already.

I faced the board as well, however my mind just kept thinking about what he said

"Figured you're not the type? What the hell? He figured me out already or something?

He doesn't even know me and what in the world was he-

"Ms Smoak the chemical compound used for the experiment is?"


The class laughed so boisterously which made me realize what I have done

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that and no please Sir I'm terribly-"

The man raised his hand up and repeated himself "Ms Smoak, the chemical compound is?"

"Sodium Nitrate"

"Correct! Ms Smoak please focus on our lesson"

I kept quiet during the remaining duration of class and when the bell finally rang I was ready to leave and just go home when Roy suddenly came near me and whispered

"Are you high?" His soft husky voice made me want to melt but I was annoyed at the awful smell of alcohol he was excreting

I pushed him away and said "No I am not. And unlike you I am also not drunk"

He looked disgusted with what I have just said and a part of me wanted to apologize but I just grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

I wanted to get out of school already, I was brisk walking at the hall way not minding who or what I was hitting when suddenly I bumped into a person and just as I was about to fall flat on my butt.

"Woah slow down! I don't want you getting hurt" he said with a smile as he caught me inched away from the floor

It was Barry.

"Barry, can we get out of here? I'm really annoyed"

"Okay cool, let's walk going to the car and you can tell me all about it."

"I ordered pizza already so please don't feel down anymore!" he said while lying down on my bed

"Get over here Barry, we have to finish our report for the eliminations this Friday"

Barry and I worked on our report and finished at around 12 in the morning

"Well at least we know we're gonna get in"

"Shut up! We can't be too cocky Barry! But I gotta admit this report is totally off the charts"

We both laughed. And soon it all become silence

"So... He asked if you were high and you got mad?"

"It's not that... it's his drunk smell. You know how much I hate the smell of alcohol right? Because of the incident.."

I hated talking about my past but somehow talking with Barry made me feel better

"I know you do, but maybe he wasn't the one drinking! Maybe he just stumbled upon a group of guys who were drinking and-"

"And what? He just so happened to get the aroma? Yea right. Roy's a drunk and I can't stand it."

He sighed

"Look it's getting late, you go get some rest and try not to think about the past too much okay? I'll pick you up tomorrow"

I nodded and he left only leaving my night light on.

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