Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell

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All through the next week, the conversation you had with Kanamiya-san continued to worry you more and more. Was it too late to leave? Were you supposed to say no there? But then again, what could possibly happen? It is a hero agency after all and Kanamiya seemed so nice. Not to mention that Akunoda-sensei was the one who referred you to this agency after all and he was both a certified pro-hero and a teacher of a hero school, surely he'd know what he's referring his students to.

You had many worries, but you pushed all of them away and went about your week. The skies seemed greyer and even the air felt heavier as your worries continued to pile up. You would take a deep breath in and out whenever your mind got flooded with unwanted thoughts and worries.

I'll be alright.


Roughly a week later, you receive an email from the agency asking you to come over at 8 pm on the upcoming Tuesday. The fact that it was so late in the night started to worry you a little. You took another deep breath in and out as you repeated the words inside your head, I'll be alright.

You went to school like you always did and throughout the whole week, you couldn't help but feel terrified. Should I just not go or would that be a bigger risk? No, they might come and find me, they know where I live. Your thoughts must have showed on your face because Akunoda-sensei asked you if you were alright, later that day.

"Oh yes, I'm alright..." you told him. "Just a little nervous about my first shift."

"Alright. Do you think you'll have fun?" he asked softly.

"Um, about that... uh, is that place... safe...?" you asked slowly and carefully. It wasn't quite easy to ask considering the fact that he was the one who referred you over to the hero agency. You trusted him a lot and he was a very sweet teacher but you didn't know how to feel about this whole situation with the hero agency. There was something wrong with that agency— was he aware? Did he send you over aware of this situation or were you completely in the wrong place? Did he even know what was going on there?

"Hmm... did you meet a lady named Kanamiya?" he asked you.

Oh well there goes the idea that I'm at the wrong place.

"I did,"

"Alright, that makes more sense," he said. "Don't worry, she's just a worrywart it won't be as bad as she says it to be. I've known her for a while but she's just extra cautious about everything."

You let out a sigh of relief. So I'll be fine...

"Thank you so much," you said to him with a relaxed smile on your face. "I'll let you know how it goes."

"Please do," he said and you packed your stuff up to head home.


"Kirishima!" Kaminari yelled at Kirishima.

"Oh my gosh, stop screaming," he replied to Kaminari rather sternly.

"I wouldn't be yelling if you'd listen the first few times."

"Sorry, sorry. So?"

"Who was that? The girl you were talking to at the park?" Kaminari asked him.

"Oh, her... She's—," Kirishima started to say. (L/n). (L/n) (Y/n). He couldn't believe that he felt flustered from simply saying her name out loud. "(L/n)," he was finally able to say, but he turned his head away bashfully to hide how flustered he was. "I met her at the provincial license exam. Apparently she was starting a part-time job in an agency near that park and she was waiting."

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