The One: Bonus Epilogue - Part Three

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I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see my wife smiling up at me and looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing a lovely confection of organza and lace in a crème color that complimented her eyes and hair beautifully. I grinned broadly. "There you are, my dear."

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you. This is really the best party I've ever had."

"You did good, Mer." Aspen put in.

"Thank you both very much." America ducked her head, then turned to me. "I need to steal you away for a bit."

"Of course. We'll talk more later." I nodded at Aspen, then followed my wife out of the room.

"This way." She said, practically dragging me along with her.

When we arrived at the garden, I took a deep breath of fresh air. "Perfect! A break from the madness."

America laughed, putting her head on my shoulder. Habit had me leading her to our bench.

Come to think of it, I don't think we'd ever even touched another piece of furniture in this garden since being married.

We sat, with America facing the palace and me facing the forest.

"Champagne?" I offered her my glass.

"No thanks."

I took a sip myself and sighed contentedly. "This was a wonderful choice. Truly, America, this was the best birthday I could have hoped for. Well, second best. I still would have liked the option I came up with this morning."

America rolled her eyes but smiled. "Maybe next year."

"I'll hold you to it."

We sat in content silence for a moment.

"Listen," America began. "I know we have a full night ahead of us, but I wanted to give you your birthday present."

"Oh, darling, you didn't need to get me anything. Every day with you is a gift." I leaned in and kissed her to prove my point.

She smiled and continued. "Well, I hadn't planned on getting you a gift, but then something presented itself, so here we are."

"All right then," I set me glass on the ground and gave her my full attention. "I'm ready. Where is it?"

America took a deep breath. She seemed really nervous about something and I started to feel uneasy.

"That's the only problem," She started. "It won't actually arrive for another seven or eight months."

I smiled, confused. "Eight months?" What in the world could take--"

Then it hit me.

My eyes darted from her face to her stomach.

Could it possibly... there was no way that... but then the dizzy spells, the refusal of the champagne...

I could hardly form a coherent thought, much less move my body. I just stared on and on as half-thoughts and feelings raced through my mind.

Then it all stopped. I felt suddenly certain.

My wife was pregnant.

I was going to be a father.

My wife was pregnant.

I was going to be a father.

Joy like I had never known overwhelmed me.

"Maxon?" America touched my leg cautiously. "Maxon, are you all right?"

I nodded, still not moving, taking it in.

A father. A child.

My eyes flooded with tears. "Isn't it remarkable? I suddenly love you a hundred times more," I said softly, reverently. "And I didn't think it was possible to find love for a person I don't know at all."

I looked up at her. My wife, my queen, and, suddenly, the mother of my child. "Are we really going to have a baby?"

"Yes." She breathed, tears filling her own eyes.

Joy, awe, and wonder once again filled me.

"Is it a boy or girl? I asked excitedly.

"It's too soon to tell," She said through tears of happiness. "There's not much the doctor can tell yet except that someone is definitely there."

I placed a hand on her stomach and started thinking aloud. "We'll shorten your workdays, of course, or we can cut them completely if we must. And we can have more maids put on call."

America laughed. "Don't be silly. Mary and Paige are plenty. Besides, you know my mother will want to be here, and Marlee and May will be around. I'll have too many people taking care of me."

"As you should!"

She laughed but my own face descended into a worried expression. I remembered painfully that my own family did not have such a kind and caring history when it came to children.

"What if I'm like him, America? What if I'm a terrible father?"

"Maxon Schreave, that isn't possible." She stared seriously at me, unblinking, willing me to believe her words. "If anything you will be too generous. We're going to have to hire the strictest nanny in the world just to even it out!"

My worries didn't dissipate completely, but I smiled. "No strict nannies. Happy nannies only."

"If you say so, Your Royal Husbandness."

That made me grin broadly, and my worries were forgotten as I was once again overwhelmed with happiness.

I cleared my throat and wiped away my tears. "I'm assuming this is our secret?"

"For now." She smiled.

"All the same, now I definitely feel like celebrating."

I scooped her up and spun her around before rushing back inside. America laughed freely. Her expression, one of hopeful excitement, was an exact mirror of my own.

King and Queen. Husband and Wife. Father and Mother.

Our story was only beginning.

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