Prologue: Mine

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A 19 year old male stood in front of a gate that was ontop of a Mountain, This male's name is Illumi Zoldyck, he was part of the top family of Assassins, the second Heir to the family after his younger brother.

He climbed over the gate with ease, the electric fence didn't do much harm to him. Walking along the dirt path he was faced with a mansion, similar to his own home but it was owned by F/n L/n, A leader of a group of Yakuza, who even mentioning their name to other assassins, political leader or other yakuza groups, it brought fear.

Illumi had a mission here, commissioned by a rich Yakuza boss who kept anonymous through his request. All Illumi had to do was to assassinate the family – every single one inside of that home. He was quick to use his needles that contained his nen to turn the guards into his.

He used the guards to take out those who didn't have needles in them as he opened the door to be faced with his number one target. The leader of the L/n Yakuza group – F/n. The said male was sitting with various woman, making jokes and the women forced a laugh.

Skimpy clothing the girls wore revealing their curves and large chest. To Illumi, why would a woman's body cause others to stare, it didn't matter to him. From the sudden opening of the door, all the eyes turned to the Assassin. Within a few minutes, the screams and cries were replaced with corpses on the floor.

He stared at the scene in front of him, his targets were taken care of, taking a picture of the victims, sending it off towards the Client to show the proof.

He felt a new presence to be faced with a new person. Their e/c eyes were bright, their h/c hair looked soft. Illumi had watched them as they came into the house.

"Father, I'm home!" They looked into Illumi's eyes. Sudden fear struck them as their gaze moved to see the corpse of her father and the other people around.

A scream left them as they quickly started to grab onto the door knob, pushing it open – tripping over themself in the process as they scrambled towards the exit.

Illumi watched them as they struggled to leave. He slowly moved towards them. As they were trying to get up, their eyes met with his. Fear fulled eyes while the other had lacked of emotion yet some curiosity was in his eyes.

Illumi moved his hand and hit the back of their neck, a spot that caused them to fall down – knocked out from the assassin.

The male carefully moved to pick up them, his could feel their soft skin touch his. He felt his heart get hit with a new feeling as he stared down at their face.

Smooth Skin, cute face, pretty body. Illumi could look at you forever, hold you close to him, you were to him, perfect.

He carried you in his arms, heading down the mountain, not completing his mission by killing the child of the leader – like the mission had told him to.

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"Am I dead...?" The first thing that came to your mind as you started to become conscious again

Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself somewhere new, an unknown place. You sat up and looked at the room, soon noticing the familiar killer that sat next to the bed, staring down at you.

A small shriek left you as you moved away as fast as you could, soon falling onto the ground, scooting away til you hit the wall of the room.

"Don't kill me!" The first thing that escaped your mouth as the male came close to you. "I'll do what you want! Just don't kill me and let me go. I won't tell anyone anything I saw I swear on my-"

"Name." You looked to see the male bending down to your cowering body.

"Y/n..." "Illumi." "Huh?" "My name is Illumi." You just nodded slightly as he told you his name.

"Nice to meet you Illumi.." Your reply was soft as he looked at you. "Where am I...?"

"Home." His answer was short and simple. "Oh um, well I don't remember this room in my home so..."

"It's not your old home." He corrected you as you were talking to him.

"... My old home?" You stared at him confused at what he had told you? You needed to go home, your father would kill you, literally, if you get home too late... but.. he was dead... You saw his dead body...

"You will live here now... with me and my family..." He stated to you. Your mouth opened to reply before you forcefully shut it – being kidnapped before, made you realize to watch your mouth. This guy has to have some reason for having you alive, it can't be because of your father owing debt or something – Illumi had killed him.

You know that you shouldn't talk back to your kidnapper; they tend to hit you as an easy punishment for talking back or as something worse... use her for their 'needs'...

Illumi sensed your uneasiness around him, so he simply turned towards the door, leaving you alone.

"You may leave this room, don't go to the gate." Was the last words he told you as he left the room.

The gate? That may give you some help with your escape plan.

Published: 19 September 2020

Edit 1: 22 November 2021


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