Why I ship Ranto with Jinpei

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You can say that like Todoroki and Deku, Deku changed Todoroki's life. Same as Ranto and Jinpei.

The only reason that Ranto is so near to the YSP club, The main reason is Jinpei and aliens,because YSP power is somehow connect to aliens,aliens are the ones who killed or abducted Ranto's family. 

In the ending music video, we can see that Ranto is in the ocean, I guess the ocean means Ranto's sadness and loneliness? Then we see Ranto lift his head up and see a figure with cat ears. The only one in yokai watch jam with cat ears is Jinpei.  

( editing note, was added later: later it have a character with car ears who is Lime but I don't really think the figure is Lime since the ending was made before Lime's appearance in season 2 )

So does it mean that Jinpei is some one important in Ranto's life? In ep 35, when Ranto was killed, Jinpei got so angry, the ropes which tie him broke. Does it mean that Jinpei love Ranto, that's why I ship them.

The song:

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