A Dark Desire

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The day was like any other before. Peaceful and quiet. Uncle Dennis had told me to go feed the chickens in the old coop out back. I knew it was my turn and didn't complain. I gathered my book and my mug and laid them on the oak table in our little cottage. I smiled at him as he sat down in his lounge seat with a loud humph. I opened the screen door outside the kitchen and breathed in some of the sweet country air. I made my way to the coop. I don't think I noticed then but it's clear in my mind now. It was cloudy and the sky was becoming a dark mass. I entered the small chicken hut not closing the door behind me. I didn't increase my pace but took my time mixing the corn feed and fruits together in the troth. Even though I knew I could do it in seconds I chose not to. I should've hurried. The chickens were eerily silent, which was so unlike them. I'd have to say they were actually the nosiest creatures I'd come across in my short life. They didn't even try and push past each other to get fed first. They stayed in the far left corner, in the shadowy hay. I brushed it off. Weird chickens.

I smacked my hands together and finished my job. I was excited to get back to my book. It was a romance novel, one that many girls my age were enthralled with. I mean, what eighteen year old girl doesn't believe in true love? I used to. I opened the door to the chicken hut. Not seeing the world was trying to stop me. I strolled back to our small, beautiful home taking in the view. The vast mountains in the distance were nothing compared to the vast fields before my eyes. Soft greens and dark browns filled my view. Occasionally in those nummerous field were majestic yellow wildflowers. Uncle Dennis kept telling me to stop picking them and bring them home. The dirt road seemed to stretch for miles without another house in sight. Our house was indeed small but very homely. Green vines stretched over the cottage's east wall up and around my own bedroom window. The paled white siding that kept our home together was slowly becoming a tanned color, which was fine. I liked how that color was fading. I made my way to the house through the small garden, passing pale pink flowers. When I made it to the screen door my heart started beating rapidly.

I stopped and looked quickly around. The clouds were even darker. Was that why my heart was beating rapidly? Was I scared of a lighting storm? I felt the side of the screen door for a second longer. What should I be afraid of? It's not like anything like that could ever truly hurt me.

I often think back to this moment wishing I had stayed outside. I should've covered my eyes. That's what he noticed first.

As I stepped into that small kitchen and took in the room. My uncle was no longer sitting but wide eyed at my entry. A deep fear was present in his eyes as he was held close to a man by his neck. The back of the man was all I could see. He was young and powerful from what I could see. His red jacket was adorned with gold. His fingers held many rings and his hair black was gelled back. My Uncle stared at me, I realize there was message behind his stare. Run, they said. Hide, they said. I was too foolish and young to understand any of this. I could only understand my Uncle was afraid, and I'd be damned if I let anyone hurt the one person that had stood by me.

"Release him." I said in my strong, confident voice. The man turned slowly still holding my uncle as if he weighed nothing. I noticed many things about the man, his broad shoulders, his confident stance, and how the room suddenly smelled of a sweet honey. The most important though was his eyes. They were the same as mine.

"How interesting." He said amused, his lips turning up into a dark smile. As if my Uncle was nothing more than a doll, the man effortlessly threw him to the side. He hit the wall with a bang and an audibly crack. My eyes flew back to the man, who was now stalking toward me. The table was the only thing between us and with a flick of his fingers was up against the far wall. I backed up as he came closer. I never practiced any of my abilities, I had never needed them. He obviously had perfected them. Could I face him? I grabbed the closest thing with my mind and threw it at him. My book sped at him just to be deflected without a touch and sent to the floor. I hit the kitchen wall, realizing I had nowhere to run. He came closer and paused in front of me. Could I fight him off with physical strength? My Uncle couldn't and he was the strongest man I knew. "I thought there were none of us left, but maybe you don't know from your poor defense skills." He murmured softly. I could smell the sick honey on him. I could feel his power pulsing through the foot of air between us. I could not defeat him, maybe if I gave him what he came for he would leave. My uncle and I had money. We could give him that, we could always get more. He was too much; I turned my head away, again not looking into his eyes. I knew they would draw me in. After all, my eyes did the same on others.

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