Chapter 3

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Sorry it took so long! Thanks for waiting and voting and all that jazz. I didn't do much editing and probably won't until I'm done with the whole story.


“The bathroom’s down the hallway to the right girly.” The guy said, back still turned to me. He went to get the kettle from the stove. Hesitantly, I advanced down the wooden floored hallway. Pictures clung to the wallpaper, which was starting to come up in places. They were all nature shots, no family pictures or any other piece of family existed in the plain picture frames. I found the bathroom and slid inside. I felt awkward. I still had the clothes clutched to my chest to cover my obvious lack of clothing. I decided that I wasn’t going to look into the mirror until I was fully dressed. I’ve never been a vain person, but I still didn’t want to see what a wreck I was. I slipped on my few articles of clothing and kept thinking.

Who were these people and what did they want with me? Accidently I looked in the mirror and was surprisingly not as frazzled as I felt. I felt my inner power rush through me wanting me to create a prettier version of myself to show everyone. I didn’t want that though. I didn’t want to be beautiful. What if these people wanted to use my gifts for something? I knew the dark things people desired, what men and women truly wanted. But I also knew what they would do to get them.

“Um, you done in there?” A sassy voice said from outside the door. It was the boy from earlier. I could hear his foot tapping on the floor.  I felt like saying no and to tell him to go away. Instead I didn’t respond. I did my business and tried to make myself look invisible. The boy eventually left. I could hear those tiny feet pitter-padding down the hallway. I folded the guy’s clothing and put them in the corner. I left the bathroom and listened to the noise in the kitchen. Now I’d be leaving. I had my clothes. It sounded like a busy market day in there. People were talking louder and louder, practically shouting over each other. My guess it was some sort of community meal time. I rounded the corner. There were a couple women, a few men drinking coffee by the door, and like 8 more children and teenagers. I didn’t see the guy from earlier, but I did recognize the children from earlier this morning. The girl was practically bouncing in a seat at the long wood table; it looked like she had to pee really badly or was so excited she was going to fly. Which is crazy because people can’t fly.   A woman rushed past me muttering something about dirty bitches, or was it dirty dishes? I stopped gawking and started to make my way to the door. No one was paying attention to me. In fact, I had almost escaped before I was spotted.

“It’s the princess!” That’s when people started noticing me. Silence. I kept trying to make my way through the mess of people but people stopped and looked at me. “Princess! Princess! Come sit by me.” The blond angel called out. Her face scrunched up when I didn’t respond.

“You better do it. If you upset her today you’ll never hear the end of it.” The man in front of me said, with the same smirk I was starting to get use too. I looked into his face and froze in shock. His eyes. A small hand tried to death grip my pinky. Startled the fast little angel grabbed me and pulled violently on my poor finger. I followed her but I took in the rest of the room. The eyes were everywhere. How had I not noticed before? Was it because because only a few of them had them? They didn’t even hide them.

I couldn’t register how I felt being surrounded by other enchanters and people who knew they were enchanters.  Should I be worried? Well, obviously, the only enchanters I’d heard about worked for him, for Kole. Had I fallen finally into his trap? I couldn’t even run away, with this many enchanters’ here. I’d have no chance. Even though I had developed my abilities a great deal in those three months, they surely had practiced their abilities since birth. I sat next to the angel. Her eyes intently looking at me then her eyes sifted to her audience, who was silently watching us.

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