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"Okay." you whispered to your friend near by as you tug your (h/c) behind your ear. "In 3" your blonde friend counted. "2" you said. "1" you both shouted as you and her brought a bomb out of a bag and screamed. "OH NO LOOK IT'S A BOMB". People started screaming and pushing each other hoping to save their own lives. But of course the bomb was fake and before (y/n) knew it she and her friend, Sakura was sitting in the principal office. "____the school festival" the principal finished the speech. (y/n) was too busy daydreaming about the next scheme she was going to make as she sit in the cozy principal office filled with books and paper works. The office smell like coffee and the chairs were warm. It was warmer than your- "Do you understand (y/n) (l/n) ?" the way the principal called your name snap you out of reality. 

You turned to look at her eyes which were as cold as ice even the chair or the coffee smell wasn't working. "I am calling your parents for your unacceptable behaviors." the principal explained. "W-wait don-" you tried to apologize. "You know I Give you too many second chances I thought you were a good students but turns out i may have to expel you" the principal snapped. You looked at her with wide eyes as tears started to filled in you couldn't hold them back anymore and before you know it tears started streaming down your face as you got on your knees. "P-please don't call my p-parents" you started begging. The principal looked away and said" That method is not going to work on me anymore (y/n) (l/n) you know that you must behave but you didn't I am sorry but I am calling your parents". 

Memories were starting to fill into your head. You tried to stop it. You wanted to stop crying but your tears refused to they just keep streaming down your cheeks. "Um (N/N) you okay? Um just in case I don't want you to flood the principal office so let's go to the restroom?" your friend Sakura asked. Your vision started to turn really blurry and the room started to spin. It was really hard to breathe like someone was choking you on the spot. Your ear started to ring giving you a headache and the last thing you heard was Sakura calling your name.


"Look at you. You look so ugly" a blondie said while laughing with her friend. You remember her. Ichika you thought. "L-leave me alone." you said scared out of your mind but you tried to put on a brave face. You were only in elementary and this happened. "Aww are you about to cry?" Ichika mocked. You were scared and helpless but mostly you were angry. Angry that they call you names for no reason, angry that they didn't treat other equally and before you knew it you were pulling her hair and screaming at her. The teacher tried to stop you both you just bit them. After the disaster, you were brought into the principal's office with your parents with a disappointing looks on their faces. You hated being with them. You hated your whole family who don't even bother to try supporting you. 

"______we will make sure she learn her lesson" you mother said with a bitter tone. The principal nodded in agreement and looked at you. "This child needs to control her anger." the principal exclaimed. "We know. We apologize on her behalf" said your dad. You were scared you knew what was about to happen. After some conversation with the principal your mother got up and said "Come on let's go". She bowed and left the office with your father pulling you by the arm. His grip tightened around your wrists very hardly that it was starting to hurt. "Let me go." you commanded. But his grip tightened even more hardly. "NO! I AM NOT GOING HOME LET ME GO" you screamed with tears in your eyes. " I DON'T WANNA GO HOME I DON'T" you yelled while tears started flowing down your face. 

[End of the flashback]

Your open your eyes only to find it blinded by the bright light from the ceiling. You know you were not in the principal office. You heard something beeping beside you and also felt somebody holding your hand. You looked at the bedhead sitting next to you lying his head down on your hands."K-Kuroo?" you called. He looked up and you saw his eyes filled with tears. "Hm?" he replied as he sniffed. "W-what happened?" you asked. "You fainted" he replied smirking. "Isn't it obvious?". You rolled your eyes at his reply. "Kuroo dude were you crying?" you looked at him with a cheesy smile on your face. Kuroo looked down looking sadder than before. "Um Kuroo, are you ok-" you were cut off by the look Kuroo gives you. "Your parents are sending you to Miyagi so that you could behave ." he answered with an angry voice. 

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