003 - Hunting the Avatar

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𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

The sun had only risen when I had to leave for my mission. I got to say goodbye to Sokka last night and I had just said goodbye to my father.

I'm gonna miss them, of course. But now that I was on my own I had way more freedom.

I had no idea where to go. I mean he was in the air temples, but he's not dumb enough to stay there. Was he?

It's Aang, of course he is.

My airship was set course to the southern air temples.

Once my airship landed I changed into some clothes that weren't blue and I put on a black cloak so that no one would recognize me.

I get off my airship and start looking around. I go to a store and buy some green contacts. Perfect, I'll look like I'm from the earth kingdom.

– Excuse me – I ask a lady standing in front of me.

– Yes? – she turns around to face me. I get a little nervous, I blood bent all these people yesterday, I start to feel guilt.

– I- Uh. Have you seen a boy with blue arrows. – she starts to laugh.

– Why that could be anyone! – she says as she keeps laughing and I turn red of embarrassment.

– I meant, have you seen my friend? Aang? –

– Oh! The avatar? You're friends with him? –

– Well, yes. We were friends before he was the avatar- well before we knew he was the avatar... – I scratch my neck nervously. What the hell? I never act like this, why am I so nervous.

Because your talking about Aang 👀

Shut the hell up, consciousness.

– Well why do you want to see him. –

– Well... It's been I while and I need to talk to him about something important. –

– Important? –

– It's about the water tribe. – I blurt out. Shit, why'd I tell the truth? – I- –

– Oh, do you have a plan? – I mentally sigh in relief because I didn't completely screw up.

– Y-yes! –

– Oh, well, I think he went to Republic city! –

– Thank you! – I tell her, as I run back to my airship.

Republic city, huh?

What's he doing there anyways?

Actually, Republican City is so close I don't need my airship. Also I can hide easier if I don't take my airship.

I'll just steal a motorcycle.

I go to the nearest motorcycle, pick the lock to be able to move it and then turn on the engine and put on the helmet that was resting in the seat.

– Hey, my motorcycle! – says some random dude as he runs towards me.

– Sorry! – I sarcastically say with a smirk on my face and a drive away. Within 15 minutes I'm in republic city. – Huh, republic city, never been here. – I say to myself. I look around and see lots of pretty things. – That little airbender has got taste. –

I walk around seeing if I bump into him. Of course, I don't. But, I have a bunch of time to look for him.

– Zula, stop it! – I hear someone yell. I hide behind a bush and observe how a guy with scar is being chased by a girl and another girl that seem to be their younger sister. Hmph, that guy is kind of cute, I thought to myself.

Until The Water Tribe AttackedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon