002 - The Southern Air Temples

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Southern water tribe

– Sokka, come here! – commanded Hakoda, the chief of the southern water tribe.

– Yes sir? – The teenager was distraught, he had no idea why his father had called him.

– What are you doing? –

– Um... Guarding? –

– I told you to go out with the rest of the soldiers! – Sokka closed his eyes at his father's screaming. Hakoda just rubbed his forehead and sighed. – Just, get out of my sight, boy. We'll be invading the fire Nation tomorrow and you better be there. – Sokka nodded in fear and walked away from his father, making sure to stay out of his way for the rest of the day.

– Ugh why is it always me? He never yells at Katara! – Sokka says to himself in frustration.

– Hey big bro, whatcha doing? – asked his little sister as she lightly punched his arm and sat next to him.

– Nothing... –

– Shouldn't you be out fighting? – she asked.

– Father told me to stay out of sight. – Katara looked at him with pity, she then threw a snowball at him. – Hey, what was that for? –

– Why don't we have fun, keep your mind off of dad. Just like we used to. – Katara smiled which made him smile. He felt bad for ever feeling jealous of her, all she wanted was for her big brother to be happy.

– Ok. – both siblings started to have a snowball fight, forgetting about everything that was currently going on in the world. It was just the two of them, having fun, being kids. Enjoying the childhood that got taken away from them at such a young age.

– Katara! – a yell interrupted their laughter. Katara looked behind her shoulder to see her father. She put down the snowball and walked to him.

– Yes? –

– Shouldn't you be training? –

– But, I- I wanted to spend some time with Sokka. – she told him. Their father had a serious look on his face.

– Sokka, I told you to stay out of sight and now you're distracting your sister! – He yelled angrily, Sokka looked down.

– Wait, don't yell at Sokka! It's not his fault. – It made Sokka happy to know that Katara was still so kind to him after all that going on.

– Yes, it is. Katara, go train. Sokka, why don't you make your self useful and help your gran gran. – both children sighed and then nodded.

That was a year ago.

Things are a little different now.

– Sokka! –

– Yes? –

– Good job, warrior. – Sokka smiled, he never felt so happy before. His father was finally proud of him.

– Hey. –

– Hey. – Sokka and Kara walked passed each other only only said those words to each other. They barely talked to one another any more. Katara was busy training her water bending and Sokka was always busy fighting, and trying to make his father proud. They used to be the closest siblings ever and now they barely even looked at each other.

– Ok, soldiers! We're ready to invade the air temples, starting with the southern air temple! – said Hakoda. The whole water tribe was sitting in front of chief Hakoda, listening carefully and those words caught Katara's attention

– southern air temple? – she thought to herself. She smiled at the thought of her old friend, she may have even blushed a little. She shook her head trying to get those thoughts out of her head. – No, we're invading them. I can't think of him the same way I used to. – Katara frowned, she'd probably have to hurt her old friend. – Friends are a distraction – she told herself, trying to believe her own words.

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