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"Mom please let me go to the same school as the others", Rika begged her mother, Rumiko.

"But honey, I paid good money for Chilton", the woman pointed out.

Rika told her mom the reason why she wanted to transfer, "the school that the others go to has a class for Digimon, and they go to competitions and represent the school. This is the first year there doing it and I want to go"

"It better not be expensive as the one you're going to now and I guess we have to get you a new school uniform", Rumiko thought out loud. And Rika started laughing.

"Mom it's free, and there is no uniform. If it was expensive then all the tamers would be rich", the redhead burst into a fit of laughter.

"Frees a good price", Rumiko said, "alright I'll transfer you over."

"Realy?!" the tomboy asked in shock.

"Yes, tomorrow you will grab all your things from your now old school though", her mom said.

The girl jumped with joy, she was going to have a class for Digimon fans, an elective she always wanted at her school. She was always mad when they would take her cards away and say that they weren't for ladies. Good-bye to all those snotty rich girls that only cared if they looked good in their uniform. Tomorrow she was going to be at a school that would accept who she is, not by her looks or if she was a girl, but by the way she was born to be.

The Digimon Queen.

"Look out west Shinjuku high, Rika Nonaka is coming and she's coming in hot", she yelled outside the window.

Rumiko smiled at the direction of her daughter's room.

"Hello, Mrs. Asaji speaking", Rumiko heard the woman's voice over the receiver, "hi I was wondering if you could take one more student in for the year?"

"A yes ma'am. Um, student's name?"

"Rika Nonaka"

"Ok just transfer her grades and you can bring her in tomorrow at 1 pm. Does that work for you?", Mrs. Asaji asked.

"Yes, we will have all her stuff out of her old school by then. Um, do you have lockers?", Rumiko asked the lady.

"Yes, and we will explain all of the rules, schedule, and dress code tomorrow when we see you.", Mrs. Asaji assured her.

"Alright see you tomorrow at 1 pm. Um, what was your name again?", Rumiko asked.

"Mrs. Asaji, I am a homeroom teacher and student supervisor of the school.", she said.

"Alight has a good evening I will get all the paperwork tomorrow morning."

The next day, Rika wore her blue t-shirt and dark blue jeans. The school is going to have a fit when they find out that I'm leaving.

Rika grabbed her empty school bag for when she put stuff that used to be in her old locker. Wow, that's gonna be some getting used to she thought as she walked to her mom's car.

"Are you ready honey?", Rumiko asked her deep in thought daughter.

"You bet"

When they reached the school, she heard the girls gasp all around her. Have they ever seen a girl in comfortable clothes? Rika thought sourly.

"Why aren't you wearing your uniform Rika?", one of the teachers asked her, ignoring the fact that her mother was right next to her.

"She's transferring to a different school, Neka", her mother firmly explained.

"What other school is so good that the famous model would want her only daughter to attend? Chilton is the best school in the area." Neka snottily.

"The school that will treat my daughter with respect. I've been here and I hated it. I wish I never had put my daughter in here in the first place", Rika looked at her mother then at her teacher, then back at her mother. Neka was taken aback and left the two alone leaving hmph behind.

"Mom, I never knew you hated this place", Rika mumbled to herself. Thankfully her mother didn't hear her and they continued to walk into the building.

"I'll go to the office and get your records and you go to your locker and collect your stuff", Rumiko told Rika, "meet back at my car at 10 it is 8 right now so that gives us 2 hours to get the stuff"

Rika nodded and headed off, while Rumiko entered the principal's office.

When Rika made it to her locker she started to shove all the junk into her bag. As soon as she grabbed the last item in that locker it was slammed shut in front of her.

"Well, Nonaka, what do you have to say for yourself?" a girl's voice spoke.

"Hello to you to Paris", Rika said sourly, "and Heather", she turned around to face the girls, "and we can't forget Lila"

"That attitude you have isn't going to get you far", Lila remarked.

"Look I got no time for this besides I'm leaving so find some other person to torment and get out of my life", Rika glanced at her watch, it read 9:50. "Get out of my way I've gotta get going"

The girls moved out of the way and went off to torment another poor soul.

Good-bye girls, see you never she happily thought.

She made it to her mom's car and saw that her mom was holding a big full binder.

"What is in that thing?", Rika asked.

"Believe it or not this is your records from this school.", Rumiko shrugged and sat it down on the backseat. Rika placed her bag next to it.

"Did you put your whole room in that small locker?", her mom jokes. Rika laughed because of the extra stuff that was in her locker. It was mostly binders that had a secret pocket to hide her cards. She had about 5 that were like that.

"Not just my overly sized collection of cards", she laughed out.

"How many do you have?", she asked the redhead.

"About a thousand last I checked" she answered, "maybe more"

"So that's what you spend your money on", the blond concluded as she started the car.

Rika nodded and the rest of the ride was her explaining the card game to her mom and comparing it to modeling so that her mom would understand it better.

When it was 11:15 am, the two girls started to get hungry and their stomachs started to get loud.

"We won't have time for something fancy so how about McDonald's?", Rika asked her mom.

"I don't know, my agent told me to not eat fast food"

"Comm'n what's the harm in one burger?" Rika asked, "besides your not at work"

"I have been wanting their Shaka Shaka Chicken for a while." Rumiko thought out loud, "ok we go but I have to wait one month before I can eat that again"

After they got the food they were once again on the way to west Shinjuku high.

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