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                 *•ARA's POV•*
I know I was supposed to stay back but I couldn't help it. And I must say, it's good that I went. That psycho witch and her brother came to take me back, as their cook? If they had called me a chef, I'd have been happier but since they didn't, it made matters worse.
   I don't know what came over me, but seeing Macy lunging at Cindy made me react quickly and stupidly. Even though I was bigger that a normal she wolf, Macy was bigger than me because of her Alpha gene. Luckily, Penny and Jessie—who reluctantly came along at first—got to her before she could hurt me or Cindy. At least I played heroine for a little bit.
    But how dare they?! They knew about Jace wanting me back yet none of the guys said anything about it... especially Caine. When we got home yesterday, it was already late to talk about. That leads me to why I'm sitting in the kitchen, scowling in the direction Caine is supposed to be coming from.
   "Why didn't you tell me that Jace was coming?" My scowl deepened. If you looks could kill...
   "In my defence, I didn't know he was coming yesterday."
   "But you knew he was gonna come eventually."
   "He contacted Rodrick a few days ago, asking for you. He was claiming that the way you went away from his pack was not by consent so he wants you back. Before Rodrick could tell him that you've found your mate, the idiot hung up."
"You still should have told me."
"I'm sorry alright."
    "I won't be so forgiving next time." I folded my arms and turned my head to the other side to show how serious I am.
"Thank you. It's time to head off. Training is in an hour." At the mention of training, I scrunched up my nose. I honestly didn't want to train.
"Do I really have to?"
"Yes, you do. Now come along." He held my elbow, picking me up from the comfortable couch.
"As long as you buy me an ice cream afterwards." I dug my heels into the ground. I'd totally need more than an ice cream after this training.
"I will buy you a whole bucket of ice cream afterwards." I tilted my head, squinting at him to show how serious I am about the ice cream.
"Alright lets go. But if I puke, I'm doing it all over you." Apparently, he wasn't taking me seriously because he laughed at my very serious threat.
We walked to the training grounds. Many people greeted me with 'hello Beta Female', 'Good morning Beta Female'. Some teen girls even called me BF which was very funny to me. I really loved the fact that people have accepted me as their Beta Female.
The training grounds was full compared to the other time I visited. I saw my friends but then I remembered that I couldn't socialize till the damn training was over. I pulled my shoulder length hair together, secured it with a rubber band, and unzipped my jacket to reveal a tank top.
"Today's training will be in two groups. The Gamma Female and Head fighter will take the female fighters while the Gamma and Head fighter take the male fighters. Divide your group between yourself. The Luna and Beta Female will train with the Beta and I. Begin!" After Rodrick gave out the instructions, I moved to Caine but was sent to train with the alpha.
"Back in your pack, were the omegas trained in any way?" Rodrick inquired.
   "No." The ex-alpha pf Moonlight Pack didn't believe that the omegas had to be trained. After all, we were only good for cooking and cleaning. Whenever there's an invasion, we always end up dead or captured.
   "That's just..."
   "Today's training will be focusing on what you know.
Show me what you've got." Taking a deep breath, I showed him what I knew. For a big person like me, I was surprisingly able to swing my leg at him, aiming for his face but he caught my leg.
   "Try again." I wasn't sure on what to do next so I raised my hand, aiming to get a hit on his face or some other part of his body. Just one hit! Please just one—and I was brought out of my pleading party when Rodrick blocked my punch with his fist, looking slightly bored.
   "Wow so this is worse than I thought. So you nothing?"
   "Okay then let's start with the basics." For the next one hour, Rodrick taught me the basics of fighting. He showed me the weak spots and pressure points used to knock someone out.
   "Now show me what you can do." Rodrick took of his shirt, and stood in a defensive stance. Signaling for me to strike, I rushed forward.
   I pivoted my heel, aiming for his face when he dodged my kick. Extending my arm to land a punch, he straightened his hand in a ninety degree angle, making our arms collide hence stopping my blow. This went on for another thirty minutes, throwing and blocking punches.
   "Stop! Pull your punches!" It was such a relief when he told me to pull my punch that I fell to the ground, panting and breathing heavily.
   "You're a fast learner. Well done." With a smile on his face, he outstretched his hand which I grabbed and hauled myself up. I  am happy with the progress I have made.
    "That's enough training for today! Well done everyone!" He addressed all of us.
   "Damn! You didn't break any sweat today did you?" Cindy has always had a more violent bone. I think being a Beta's daughter also gave her a meaner streak compared to me.
   "Your mate is a tough cookie but I'm tougher."
   "Uhh... no. I went easy on you."
  "Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll believe it." Feeling smug, she patted Caine chest before walking to her mate.
   "My body hurts so bad." I whined, making my lips tremble.
  "It's all your fault. You dragged me to train. I totally hate you right now."
   "What can I do for you to love me again?"
   "Who said I love you? I love ice cream more." That was far from the truth. I love this dude in front of me. But at the moment, I love a couch and a bucket of ice cream more.
   "You wound me!" Dramatically, he held his chest with a pained expression.
   "Stop being dramatic and get me my bucket of ice cream. Now." I growled out the last part to show him how serious I was.
  "Sheesh! Calm down woman." I saw his annoyed expression simmer down to one of panic. I think it had something to do with the murderous look I was giving him at the moment.
   "Let's go get you that ice cream."
   "I can't feel my legs." Looking down at my legs to make sure they were still present, I was swept up into Caine's arms and I snuggled in deeper. It was only the thought of ice cream that was keeping me from falling into a deep slumber. Also, the fact that I had to support my mate during his period. Ha! Now it sounds like my mate is on his period. I'm a weird person aren't I?


    "I'd like the chocolate and mint ice cream please." After going home and freshening up, Caine and I decided to spend the rest of the day in the human town. The plan was to get ice cream, go to the movies, and then return home early.
   "And what about you?" The young guy at the front asked Caine though his eyes were on me. At first, I didn't understand why so when I started feeling uncomfortable, I diverted my eyes.
   "I'd like for you to stop looking at my girlfriend now mate." Caine states calmly, too calmly for comfort. I glanced at him to see him looking at the guy whose name tag read Mark. To someone else, Caine looks calm but I could tell from the steady clenching of his jaw that he was pissed, if not royally.
    "So-sorry. What would you like?"
  "I'd like to report you to your freaking manager but from the looks of it, you need this job so you had better quit eyeing your customers." Mark reddened uncomfortably at Caine's words.
   "Give me the coconut flavored one." Immediately, the guy set to work, scooping our ice creams into a cup.
   "Thanks for coming. Have a good day." Mark murmured.
   "You too." I smiled at him which made Caine shake his head before giving Mark a look that said don't-repeat-yourself-again.
   Leading us to a table in the Ice cream Parlor, I gave Caine a questioning look.
   "What? He totally deserved it. He shouldn't be eyeing his customers, whether she's a beautiful woman such as yourself or not." He just had to add the compliment didn't he? He knew compliments made me a blushing mess yet he complimented me and I could tell it was intentional because his knowing smirk gave it all away. I'm sure I looked a funny sight, rolling my eyes at him with my pepper red cheeks.
   "So how was training with Cindy?"
   "She's a great fighter. And she's strong for an ex omega." I halted the spoon from entering my mouth because I was too busy giving Caine a nasty look.
   "No offence. You're a great omega-I mean fighter-I mean for an ex omega you fight well too. I'm not making sense am I?" I'm officially a sadist because seeing Caine struggle to put his expressions in order made me laugh. Is that sadistic? Ah well!
    "As I was saying, she's a good fighter for someone who was an omega. Do you think her Luna strength and instinct is kicking in yet?" I took another scoop of my yummy ice cream before answering.
   "I think maybe it's her Beta blood."
   "Her Beta blood?" Swallows another scoop.
   "Yah-yeah she's not a born omega. She was a Beta's daughter before she was brought to Moonlight Pack to be an omega." Caine stiffened.
   "What's wrong?"
   "Do you happen to know the name of the pack she came from?" I pondered a bit, trying to recall if I ever knew the name of her birth pack.
   "I forget."
   "Try and recall. Please." I tried again but came up blank.
   "I don't remember. Now that I think about it,  don't think I ever knew or paid attention to the name."
   "Why do you need it so bad?" His behavior was a bit strange.
   "Don't worry about it. It's nothing. Shall we go to the movies now?"
   "Wait-I'm almooo dooo wooo moo ice crwee." What? I was stuffing the ice cream into my mouth because I wasn't gonna leave any in the cup. What can I say, I love ice cream!
   "Let's go now." We walked to the movies hand in hand. People were looking at us but we didn't care.
   After paying for the tickets, we picked a seat in the middle so we could face the big screen. The movie playing was Kissing Booth 2. Honestly, I don't think some movies need a sequel. Like who else does Ellie have to kiss? But the movie is great so I enjoyed watching it.

"Be alert! There's a werewolf approaching!"

As though on cue, Caine and I turned simultaneously to see a familiar face. A familiar face to me anyway.

Hi guys🙃 Who remembers Lindsay?
   This chapter made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too. Keep reading, enjoying, voting, and commenting😁

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