-1- Work

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Chaos. "ALVIIIIIIN" Yelled the single father for his reckless chipmunk son. The whole kitchen was covered in eggs and flour as Wiggle by Jason Derulo played really loud. Dave Seville was beginning to lose his mind from all the messy nights and just wanted some peace for once. 

"Y-yes Dave?" Asks Alvin like a little chicken. Dave points to the kitchen, to angry to even speak. 

"Heh heh heh sorry about that Dave." He says. Dave walks outside and slams the door behind him. He's so upset he considers sm#king! Suddenly he gets a phone call. 

"Is this Dave Seville, the chipmunks manager?" Says a deep voice through the phone. 
"Yess? Why?" Dave answers hesitantly. 
"I'm your new boss, Mr. Fresh Asian. Haha just kidding my name is Mr. Newman." The awkward man states. 

Dave just stays silent, thinking, maybe a new boss would do him good he wouldn't have to worry so much anymore and he could finally relax a little. 

"Hello Mr. Newman, what can I do ya for?" Dave asks.  The chilly air is starting to get to him.
"Well yes, I would really like an album in a months time." Mr. Newman states. 
"A MONTH?!" Dave yells, that's hardly any time! 
"Yes yes I know it's a short time but don't worry heh heh I'm providing a famous music producer to work with you!" He states the good news. 

Dave lets out a sigh of relief.  A famous music producer should help a LOT he thinks. 

"So who is this music producer?" Dave asks with curiosity. 
"Ah, his name is Ian Hawke, he's worked with you before, the perfect fit!" Mr. Newman states and quickly hangs up the phone. 




Dave starts thinking of all the horrible things Ian has done to them, how could this happened to me, he started thinking. Dave who is now affected by the cold weather heads inside and finds the boys cleaning the kitchen. He smiles softly, looking at his little helpers. 

"Thank you boys" Dave says, sounding a little sad because of Ian Hawke. 
"Is something wrong Dave?" Theodore asks in his baby voice. Dave sighs and makes his way to the couch. He slumps down and pats in the seat next to him. The chipmunks gather beside Dave nervously. 

"You boys are going to be making an album" He states. A bright smile appears on their face, they love singing! 

"In a month," Dave starts and the smile drops a little, "with Ian Hawke." He finishes. Now the boys looked shocked. 

"Uncle Ian?!" Exclaims Alvin. Dave slowly nods his head. 
"Uh Dave correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he kidnap us?" Simon asks in a know-it-all fashion. Dave, again nods his head. 

"Look boys I'm sorry but it wasn't my choice. Our new boss assigned him to us. We're going to have to pull through and stand up to Ian if he tries anything." 

The boys cuddle up to Dave as they sit by the fireplace in silence. 

Dave x Ian- RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now