His house

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We've been walking for a while now, well more like he's been walking for a while and I've been fighting with him to get down from his arms. It's not fair, I am so exhausted but he doesn't even look a little bit tired. I gave up fighting for now, I mean he is way too strong for me, it is useless to try to get away like this.

"Hey, little one, it's ok no need to cry."

He talked while moving his arm towards my face. I didn't really listen to what he said, I just head him talk without registering anything, but the movement made me flinch thinking he was gonna hurt me, but he just touched close to my eye softly. It made me realize that it was wet. Surprised, I touched my face, it had so much tears on it, I must have been crying for a while without realizing.

He continued to walk while I fell in and out of consciousness. I was half asleep when we finally arrived to what seems to be the... werewolf, I guess, house. It was really big, about half of the lights were open and there was clearly people inside. He just went and entered the house like that, naked. I would be way to shy to do that.

A little after we entered we passed before a living room were there was about ten people, they all looked between me and the werewolf surprised. Well, it's understandable, I would be surprised to if a naked person holding someone I don't know entered my house like it was absolutely normal. A pretty lady with long black hair and grey eyes stood up and came towards us.

"Hey Aleck, weren't you just going on a run? How come you come back with a small boy? And humans at that."
"Haha well... just let me go change put on clothes and change him, his clothes are wet and I wouldn't want him to become sick. I'll explain what happened after."
"Ah... sure"
I couldn't understand what the lady and the werewolf were saying, they didn't speak english. I couldn't help but make a noise of surprise. Which I regretted has it made every one look at one. I turned my head the head the other way and hid in the chest of the werewolf. He soon started to walk again and we went up some stairs and entered a room which I guess is his.

The room was big and clean, but there wasn't a lot of things inside. There was a really big bed, against the wall opposite to were we entered, with two small tables each side of the bed. There was also three closed door. He went towards one of them and turn out it was a walk-in wardrobe. He sat me on a bench in the middle of the walk-in. He picked out some clothes and came back towards me while I looked at him warily.

He picked me up easily and put me on his hip. He went to another one of the three close door, it was a bathroom. He threw a towel on the floor and gently sat me on the counter. He started to undress me and fear came over me and I started to fight back. I came very close to falling down, but he caught me and hold my arm over my head so I could really fight him anymore. I still kicked him, but it didn't have that big of an effect. Soon after having completely undressed me, he dressed me with one of the T-shirt he brought, but was way to big so it was more like a dress. He also put on boxer, that were more like short and tried to put me in short but they wouldn't stay on so he just left me in T-shirt and boxer.

The wolf and his boyWhere stories live. Discover now