⋇- 24: Grand Wiseman -⋇

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The strong scent of coffee met En's sense of smell as soon as he left his room and walked in the small corridor. When he reached the living room, he saw that Kraden was the only person having a cup of coffee on the glass round table. En noticed that Kraden was having a conversation with Miria, who was busy playing with Leon on the other side of the room.

"Look who's finally awake?" teased Kraden, noticing his presence. "The prince himself."

Miria took off her gaze from the dark blue reptile-like creature to focus on the boy standing across the room.

"Good afternoon, Sleeping Prince," she said. "Your breakfast is waiting for you on the table; you just have to remove the rag covering it."

En frowned and scratched his head. "It's already afternoon? Did I sleep for that long?"

"No." Kraden placed the cup on the table. "It's past ten in the morning; your cousin only wanted to mess with you."

En heard Miria chuckle as he walked towards the table, shaking his head. Having a seat, he removed the small white silk that hid a tray filled with bread and several delicacies to have breakfast with.

As he prepared his sandwich, En still thought he had overslept. It wasn't common for him to wake up so late unless he was sick. But then, he could understand why he slept so much since he spent most of the night chatting with Miria and Marius. 

It had been a while since the three of them had found time to be together. He guessed that they were enjoying their time together so much that they didn't see the clock ticking. Thinking of that moment with them made him forget his problems and found a little peace.

"Did you sleep well?" Kraden's calm voice pushed away En's thoughts.

"I guess so since I overslept." En had a bite of his sandwich; the salty yet sweet taste melted in his mouth.

As En had his breakfast, he could feel Kraden's gaze on him as if he was examining him.

"That's good to hear," said Kraden. "I was a bit bothered since you didn't look good when we told you we would talk to Belinsk without you."

En had a sip of his tea, still finding it ridiculous that Belinsk exiled him for no reason. He clenched his fist; only thinking about that man made his blood boil. He had another sip of tea in an attempt to keep calm.

"It's okay," said En. "It's not your fault. There's nothing we can do."

"Right," said Kraden, his voice quiet.

Leon's low growls took over the short silence for a moment as En distracted himself by making another sandwich.

"I thought you and aunt Regina would travel to Celestia first thing in the morning," said En, breaking the silence.

"Your aunt had something to do at work." Kraden folded his arms, relaxing his back against the chair. "We'll travel there around late afternoon."

En raised a brow, remembering that in the times he would visit his cousins, his aunt would most of the time be busy with work.

"I see she's like Father," said En. "Always busy with work."

"Yeah, they are so alike," agreed Kraden with a nod. "It must be a twin thing. But at least Regina understands the importance of spending time with the family and prioritizes moments with us. I guess being the leader of a clan has less pressure than being a King. That's why she always finds time for us."

"It could be," said En thoughtfully.

Speaking of family moments, En realized how he and his father spent little time as father and son. Most of the time his father was busy, but if he had space in his schedule, they would either focus on his future and politics or train together. 

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