⋇- 6: Memento -⋇

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The sound of someone knocking on the door broke the silence.

"Yes?" En fixed his posture as he put his phone away.

It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of the door opening.

"Please excuse me," said Hui Yin, entering the room.

The sound of shoes tapping the floor filled the atmosphere as the slim woman approached the area filled with dark blue sofas. As soon as she spotted En, she placed her hands on her hips.

"I see that you haven't prepared yourself yet," she said, shaking her head.

En raised a brow. "For what?"

"You know very well," said Hui Yin, folding her arms. "I was there when Mrs. Yu Yan talked to you and gave you those clothes."

Hui Yin gestured at something with her hand. En followed the woman's indication and saw the black suit and white long-sleeved shirt randomly placed on the other sofa.

"Oh, that..." En remembered.

After returning from his little walk, several hours ago, he encountered his grandmother waiting for him in his room. She really looked happy that he had finally decided to leave his room and explore the residence. But what made her look so excited was that she received a call from her eldest son, who told her the meeting would be held later today.

She told En that she took this opportunity to invite other members of the family so they could finally meet him. Despite that, her real grand plan with gathering most of the family was to make it difficult for her sons to reject En's stay. She thought that with the presence of his cousins and her sons' wives, his uncles wouldn't complain about his visit.

"I really hoped His Majesty wouldn't contact her this soon." Hui Yin sighed, washing away En's thoughts. "And now she has this crazy idea of involving her grandchildren as well. I hope she won't stress herself. Very well, I'm here to pick you up. The family has already gathered."

En scratched his dark head, a sudden nervousness spreading in his blood upon hearing the word family. He still thought going there without his uncles knowing about his presence was a bad idea.

He didn't remember what happened the last time his uncles found him and his father visiting his mother's grave, years ago. But according to his father's words, that encounter was full of nasty talk and threats. It was then that he decided it was best En stayed away from his maternal family and if En wished to visit his mother's grave, his father made sure to remind him to be careful.

On the other hand, he didn't want to ruin his grandmother's mood and remove that happy smile she showed him today. He exhaled, telling himself to take the risk.

Who knows, they might have changed after almost fifteen years have passed.

"Alright," he said, slowly standing up. "Let's go."

As he stood up, ready to follow Hui Yin's lead, he stopped on his first step as the woman gazed at him with a wrinkle spread on her forehead.

"What?" he asked.

Hui Yin tilted her head. "You're going like that? It's the Royal Family you're going to meet."

En examined himself, touching his red shirt. As his gaze met the dark blue jeans pants, he felt a bit awkward. He wasn't used to wearing such colorful clothing.

"What's wrong with my clothing?" He gazed back at her.

Hui Yin rubbed her forehead. "They're too casual. Your grandmother gave you those clothes for a reason."

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