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No one's°

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No one's°

The next day Eura woke up,
feeling some what okay.

Why okay? Cause yesterday
she had to face constant
teasing from the boys about
her and Jaehyun. The devil
Mr. Lee Haechan himself
showed everyone the photo
taken by Jungwoo of their
morning position.

All the boys of course seized
the opportunity of teasing the
living hell outta Eura and Jaehyun.
Both had red ears and flushed
cheeks throughout the day.

Eura groaned at the memory
that came flashing in her

She got up and got dressed in
her usual clothes which she
grabbed the other day when
she visited her apartment.
That day along with Yuta
she went to take all her
necessaries. She officially
left the apartment after telling
the owner that she's moving out.

“hello Rara noona~”
Haechan playfully greeted
her as soon as She entered
the dining room.

Eura rolled her eyes knowing
what's coming.

“Hello Haechan”
Eura greeted as she took a sit
next to Jisung.

Did you slept well last night?
I bet you were dreaming about–”

One more word Haechan and
I'm selling your amazing pics
in the internet”
Eura gave Haechan a threatening
smile which immediately shut
him off.

What kind of pics are you talking
about noona?”
Jisung asked.

Eura gave Jisung a genuine
smile, “Oh Jisung I'll show them
to you later. They are absolutely
perfect for your 'to blackmail'
Jisung just nodding happily.
Knowing he'll boss maknae away

damn I'm scared now”
Haechan mumbled.

They continued to eat after that.
Only dreamies were present
here. Goofing around and
eating. That's what they did.

Until Taeyong entered the scene,
looking serious as ever.

They immediately knew what's
gonna happen.

Meeting room now”
Taeyong announced and left
the scene.

The dreamies plus Eura quickly
stood up from their sits and
made there way towards the
said room. They had already
finished eating so it's okay.

Upon entering the meeting
room,Eura felt a rush of familiarity.
This is the place were her life
took a drastic turn.

Eura smiled thinking about that
time,which happened not long
ago. She was quite anxious
when she was last here.

Eura shrugged of that memory
and sat next to Jisung again.

Moments after Taeyong entered
with Jaehyun and Taeil behind.
Now everyone is present.

Eura felt something when she
saw Jaehyun but shrugged it
of thinking now's not the
time for that.

Taeyong went to his chair but
did not sit rather standing
there with a serious expression.

“As you have already guessed
this is a important meeting”
Taeyong spoke and they all

“I got a message from our alies
Ateez not too long ago. They
asked for help.”
Taeyong announced.

Eura mentally nodded in
acknowledgment. She knew
NCT are alieses with a gang
called Ateez. She read about
that from Neo files.

Taeyong continued, “Their leader
Hongjoong is captured by our
enemy Roulette's. Since Roulette's
are known to have tough man
power they asked for our help.
We NCT, will help them of course”

They bomb goes on the whole
room. Everyone looked seriously
tense. For them Roulette's are
their biggest enemy. Roulette's
and NCT always went head to
head. None of them are lower then the other. Both gangs strength are
unbeatable. So when both gangs
come crashing, it's bound to have
blood shed.

Knowing they will have to face
them again made all the members
thrilled. They will get fight them
once again. NCT aren't scared
of that. They are excited.

“So what's the plan?”
Eura asked. Everyone turned
to Johnny who is actually the

Well Ateez told us that Hongjoong
is in the main HQ so we are gonna
start from there”
Johnny spoke and pointed to a
projector where they can see the
infamous Roulette's HQ.

The members actually knew
how it looks like.

First of all, everyone of us will join this mission. we are gonna climb to
the rooftop since entering from
down is not the best since we would
be tired from fighting them and the
chances of them shifting Hongjoong
elsewhere is highly possible.”
Johnny pointed out. He continued
to explain further.

Ten, Yuta and winwin will start
of by climbing by the back of HQ.
They all are well trained to it ain't
much of a problem.”

“After landing on the rooftop,
Yuta, Ten, winwin will help others
reach the top. By other I mean dream
and 127. Wayv will be outside.
After that Eura and Haechan will guide us. Hacking all the cameras they'll tell us where is Hoongjoong. Not everyone will go to save Hongjoong though. Only three
of us will.”

“Ateez will enter from the entrance.
They'll distract Roulette's from knowing about us inside and fight
them off. Wayv will join them. When
it gets to much dream and 127
will join. Others will safely get Hongjoong outta there”

As said countless times, don't
let your guard down”

Everyone nodded.

Now now what we say, NCT–



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