❣️Hacker Facts

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Hello there😘By the title you know what this is

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Hello there😘
By the title you know what this is.
By Hacker facts i mean all the fun facts and possible things that could have happen for shits and giggles.
I hope you like this fun segment.

Fact#1: Hacker was supposed to be
a Nct dream au. But i really wanted ot21(at august 2020) so i dropped it. Three weeks later nct 2020 got announced💀💀.

Fact#2: I made up the name EURA.
I didn't even plan hacker but I wanted to make a nct mafia au so made up this name during math class cuz I
was bored. I don't know the actual pronunciation but the korean    pronunciation should be Yoora.
But i say that as Ura idk. I'm used
to It.

Fact#3: Taeyong was supposed to be
the love interest. However I made Jaehyun out of impulse. It was a last second choice. Tho a certain Bubu's book is bcoming which may or may
not be a sequel.

Fact#4: There wasn't supposed to be    any Eujun. I wanted Jisung to be Eura's brother and have a similar story to Eujun. But then having Jisung as Eura's brother would be too cliche as I read the same plot multiple times in other books So I dropped that idea.

Fact#5: Roulette's came from Red   Velvet's Russian Roulette. It was on my playlist when I was deciding the name. As you can see I made every      
choice out of impulse.

Fact#6: Eujun's hacker partner was going to be Johnny however I thought Haechan would be the better match.
I was torn between Haechan, Johnny    Renjun.

Fact#7: Eura's personality is  completely deprived from mine.
I'm basically Eura. The reason is because I wasn't sure if I could make an utterly different, i would have   
difficulty bcuz I never wrote much before. My personality would be a comfortable catch. And i wrote some vulnerable notes here essentially
exposing myself.

Fact#8: HACKER wasn't planned.      Basically i had a base storyline and ran with it. I only made a proper storyline after like twelve chapters💀  explains my messy writing. And questionable plot points.

Fact#9: Eujun was supposed to die at  the end but i made him live because
it would be too much work and
I already had other plans.

Fact#10: I regret not giving Eura and   Jaehyun enough time. I should have given them lot of scenes and more development but my amateur author brain didn't do it. Which is why I gave Jaehyun and Eura random scenes.
I really regret this lol. I should have went slow.

Fact#11: Haechan was supposed to be
Eura's second love interest HOWEVER, as a reader i went thru enough hard break and trauma with second male  lead troops so I dropped it like Lisa drops her money.

Fact#12: The chapter where Eura is  seen having dark thoughts are actually from my own experience lmao.

Fact#13: I have chart where i have all 23 members name written so    when writing I won't forget them.
And i can give equal lines. Let me
tell you, it's hard to keep up. Which
is why I won't have whole nct fanfic    anytime soon.

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