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You woke up the next day with a smile on your face. You had your two days off from filming and your mum had decided to see some of her old school friends while you had your break. She was hesitant to do so but you assured her you would be fine, heck you were almost 17 basically.

You put on a stylish but casual outfit for the day, styled your hair, did some makeup and left to go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

You walked in and seen some of the cast and team were also staying here and grabbed some food and went to sit with them. You got talking to some of the extras who were staying here and learned most of them have been extras in Harry Potter since the first film which you found really interesting.

However during your lovely chats with your new colleagues, you could help but keep looking around for a maybe appearing Tom Felton. 'He could just have slept in, or maybe decided he would leave seeing you till tomorrow...'

You kept running these unnecessary thoughts through your head till you saw the familiar blondie walk into the hotel restaurant just as you turned to look again

You watched out the corner of your eye as he filled his plate and walked over to the tea and coffee machine to make himself a drink. As he was waiting for the machine to make his drink, you saw his eyes scan the room till his met with yours. He offered you the cheesiest grin which you returned.

"Morning." He mouthed still smiling.

You mouthed him back a "Good morning" as you turned back after one of the cast asked you a question about how long you've been acting.

Soon after he walked over placing his plate and drink next to you, sitting down.

"That machine takes ages to make just the one cup of tea honestly." He laughed earning agreements from the table.

You heard the fakest laugh come across from the table. You lifted your head to see the actor who played Pansy. You hadn't cared much to learn her real name yet and hadn't taken much notice of her until now, as she hadn't made much noise this morning until Tom arrived.

( i know Scarlett/Pansy isn't like this in real life just making it to add a bit of something to the story line, also i know Scarlett didn't play pansy in the third movie but i thought i'd just stick with her so it works with the story line )

You furrowed your brows at her as she flickered over to you, giving you quite the snarl of a look.

She began asking Tom pointless questions meaning you couldn't get a word in. You did however learn her name to be 'Scarlett'. Looks like you'd never use that name for your future kids now.

You played with the leftover food you had until the girl next to Pansy told her, "they were going to be late." and she left in a hurry saying her goodbye and giving Tom a flirty smile and you a slightly dirty look when Tom wasn't paying attention.

"I heard her and her mate are going on a double date with that new boy Sam your mates with and some other new guy, I forget his name though." The boy, Evan next to you, nudged you.

He was one of the extras you got to know this morning. Him and his girlfriend met through both being extras. It was the most adorable story.

"Hopefully Sam is dating her mate and not Scarlett." You muttered which you thought was only loud enough for Evan to hear.

You earned a laugh from Evan who told you he hadn't took much liking you her either.

"You finished Y/N?" Tom asked going to take your finished plate.

"Yeah, thanks Felton." You smiled as he took his and your plates to the trays.

He quite happily did so and walked back over to you as you stood up pushing your chair in.

He took his thumb and carefully stroked the side of your face making your heart race slightly.

"Some food, think you missed your mouth while eating," He smiled, "or maybe it was when you were aggressively playing with your food when i was talking to Scarlett?" He raised his eyebrows.


"I- I don't um... well, you see-" You stuttered not really knowing how to say,

'Yeah i don't like her one bit and i don't know if it's because i'm jealous she has all your attention or maybe she really is just a b*tch and my overthinking is right'

"Don't worry Y/L/N, i had my moment yesterday, only fair you got yours." He teased grabbing your arm to lead you out the restaurant they were now closing as breakfast had finished.

"Don't flatter yourself Felton, you're the jealous one out of us." You said to him as you walked.

"Nothing wrong with being a protective person, eh?" He stated.

Something in you told you he seemed so interested in wanting to talk to Scarlett this morning to get back a you a bit, which you didn't blame him for.

"I know it's not the nicest of days, but maybe we could walk over to the seaside bit and sit? It's not far." He asked hopefully.

"Yeah i'd love to." You smiled.

You both began walking and he told you how has mum had left the hotel as she wanted to visit some nearby family for the next 2/3 days, but his agent/manager stayed in the hotel who he'd know since he started acting at a young age so he wasn't really left all alone.

You found a spot to sit on the beach as you felt the slightly cold breeze of the wind hit you.

"I don't really know much around this area, so i figured our date could maybe be in my hotel room? We can get some movies and room service, i know it's not very good but i-" He started.

"It sounds perfect." You cut him off.

He smiled looking down to his hands fidgeting with his ring. You didn't know how many times you'd seen him do this, but you'd learned he tends to do it when he either
1. gets shy/nervous/embarrassed
2. gets angry/annoyed

You found this very admirable.

You felt yourself shivering as it started to get colder as you only left the hotel with a long sleeved top on.

"Here, you're freezing, take my jumper," He rushed taking off his jacket then hoodie to give to you.

You insisted you were fine but he begged you to take it. You pulled the grey hoodie over your head looking very baggy on you compared to Tom. You took in the smell of his cologne that lingered on the jumper, which makes you quite glad you took up his offer of taking it. Dior Sauvage was now your new favourite scent.

"You suit it more than me Y/L/N." He laughed putting his arm round you as you sat together.

You both agreed to head back to the hotel to get ready and meet up in the next few hours for your 'hotel date' which you were rather looking forward to.

You tried giving his hoodie back but he insisted you kept it incase "You missed him too much".

He made sure you safely got to your room and shouted "See ya later Y/L/N!" with his little smirk as you shut the door, watching his blonde hair bounce along the corridor.

Mental the things that boy did to you.

( please vote and share, leave any comments you have for ideas you want to see in upcoming chapters :) )

"𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘" tom felton / draco malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now