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The mermaid swam with all her might, her powerful indigo-blue tail slicing through the icy midnight waters like a shark's teeth through flesh. It was a matter of life or death, but it wasn't her own life she feared for. What she clutched so dearly to her chest, swaddled in layers of the softest seaweed she could find, was a small merling who had been born only days before.

The distraught mother grew worried; her child's whimpers became few and far between. He wasn't the most vocal merling, which she never thought much of before, but now she only found it concerning. It's a good thing, thought the mermaid, attempting to calm herself down. It'll be harder to follow us if we're not making any noise. The mermaid was on the swim, attempting to escape the Royal Guard of Murelnia. She knew they were tracking her down for what she did.

After what felt like the longest swim of her life, she'd finally reached her destination: the shallows. Her eyes darted to and fro as she searched for just the right spot to leave her child, where he'd be conveniently out of sight from anyone who didn't know what to look for. The seaweed swaddle would aid in his camouflage, which she'd planned for.

When her eyes landed on just the spot she was looking for, a little nook behind a rock outcropping in the midst of some kelp, she darted for it. She was close to the shore now, so she had to be quick before she was discovered by humans. Or by the guards, who she knew she couldn't outswim for long.

She laid her precious merling down in the nook, the seaweed disguise providing all the cushioning he'd need. He whimpered slightly as his eyes peeled open, causing the mermaid's heart to melt.

"There, there, little one," she murmured, despair welling in her chest at the thought of what she had to do. But it had to be done, to keep them both safe. "Daddy will be able to find you here. Don't you worry your small head. All will be fine, my child. I will see you again." Her voice cracked on the last syllable. She hoped what she was saying was true.

She opened her home-crafted purse fashioned from a discarded shark egg sac and pulled out a folded piece of kelp parchment. She tucked this between the layers of seaweed bundled around her son, leaning down to give him one last kiss on his little forehead. "I love you, my sweet boy. Your father is going to take good care of you until we can see each other again." She lightly ran her fingertips over his soft cheek, glancing down at where she'd hidden the kelp parchment and hoping it found the right eyes. Written on that parchment in squid ink was a letter that, if found in the wrong hands, could be the catalyst that erupted their lives once and for all.

Knowing that she had to leave her son, lest she risked him being found along with her, the mermaid lifted herself up and reluctantly began swimming away. She was only able to cast one backwards glance before the current carried urgent voices to her ears. And those voices were quickly getting closer.


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