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A/N: In advance, I'm so sorry. 

February 17th, 2019

Tilly's POV

"I can't find my cons!" I shout to Harry from my bedroom.

"And yet another reason as to why you do not pack on the day of a ten-hour flight." Harry calls out to me from downstairs and I shake my head.

"Well someone insisted that we go on a road trip to a sunflower field an as much as I adored it, maybe we could have waited..." I mumble to myself.

"But wasn't it spontaneous?" He says and I jump, falling back from my crouched feet, turning my body around to look at him as he stands in my doorway.

"You scared me half to death." I say to him and he shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"Is that them there?" He says pointing under my bed and I swallow my pride, crawling on my hands and knees across the floor to take them from under my bed and place them in my suitcase.

"I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor..." I sing to myself and he laughs at me. 

"All done." I say, standing to my feet and he nods, coming in and taking my zipped up bags.

"We're going for a week; I don't know why you packed so much."

"S'needed." I say to him and he laughs.

Chris drops us off to the airport, but not without getting a selfie with Harry for his daughters first. I kinda had to convince him; he was being a little bit of a fan girl at first. We make our way to Harry's private jet and get on it, but not without being bombarded by paparazzi first. Harry took my hand through it all, the flashes only grew wilder because of such a simple action.

"I don't know about you, but I intend on sleeping for the next ten hours." He says as he slumps down into the chair and rests his head upon my shoulders, as the plane begins to take off.

"Why are we going home? No one is telling me." I say to him as I look out over the blue sky.

"Umm... I'm not sure either... No one's really told me either I suppose. Mum just said to make it home with you ASAP." He says and I don't entirely believe him, but I tend to overthink things a fair bit.

We land on the Manchester airport strip and I wake Harry up. I spent the entire time going over lines for my next movie. He grumbles as he stands to his feet, hitting his head on the carry on compartment and letting out a slight groan making me smirk.

"You didn't see that." He says.

"See what?" I respond jokingly and he shakes his head.

"Terrible acting for the world's current 'it' girl." He scoffs and I walk off the plane shaking my head at his comment, trying not to laugh. We make our way to the private car that will take us to Harry's house. We drive through Manchester and out to our little hometown Holmes Chapel. The car makes its way down the avenue that takes us out to Harry and my houses but rather turning left at the park bench, we turn right, we're going to my house.

"Harry why are we going to my house?" I ask and he holds my hand in his.

"Change of plans, I should have told you, sorry." He says and I smile back at him nervously.

We pull up out the front of my house and everyone's car is here. I get out and Harry helps me take my things from the boot of the car, Gemma comes out and crash tackles Harry and her laughter makes me smile, but I'm quick to realise it isn't laughter.

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