Here for you

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Once Mitsuki got Bakugo and Kirishima settled in the living room she went to the kitchen to make food. There were only a few things she knew to make that Bakugo would be able to hold down, he'd only been sick like this a few times, he had a very strong stomach, so she kept tabs on what worked.

"Katsuki Im going to make the broth for you okay?" Mitsuki told her son. He nodded at her, laying on the couch with the palest face. Her heart sank, she hated when either of her boys were sick. Her husband was a lot like Katsuki in the way that neither guys got ill often, so when they did, it was bad.
Kirishima has Bakugo's head in his lap, gently playing with his hair while scrolling through TV channels. Bakugo was laying on the couch wrapped up in a blanket, being very quiet.

"You alright babe?" Kirishima eventually asked, not hearing even a grunt from his boyfriend was odd.

"Don't feel good." Bakugo barely got out.

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up again? Or do you just feel shitty in general."

"Both." Kirishima sighed, he hated seeing Bakugo like this.

"Should I go get a trash can or something or do you wanna try going to the bathroom?" Kirishima asked.

"Bathroom." Bakugo answered quietly. Kirishima helped him slowly sit up and walked cautiously with him to the bathroom down the hall. Bakugo kneeled in front of the toilet, arms crossed on the toilet seat with his forehead on his arms. Kirishima had brought the blanket with them knowing that they'd probably be in there awhile and Bakugo was shaking now from being cold and dehydrated. Kirishima was rubbing circles on his back, leaning against the wall trying to comfort his boyfriend. Bakugo started to breathe heavy, signaling that his nausea was getting worse.

"Try to breathe slow babe, take it easy." Kirishima cooed.
"I'm so dizzy." Bakugo complained, his face looking down into the toilet, preparing for the inevitable. Kirishima leaned over Bakugo and grabbed his bangs pulling them out of his face. Moments after, Bakugo dry heaved into the toilet, saliva dripping from him mouth, Kirishima grabbed toilet paper and wiped it from Bakugo's chin. Another dry heave, Bakugo was starting to freak out. He hated throwing up so much and having no control over himself only made matters worse. To top it off, he needed to throw up so bad and nothing was coming up, which only made the pain in his stomach worse. He was in absolute misery. Kirishima tried his best to comfort him. Another dry heave, and a painful gagging sound came from Bakugo.

"Fuck." Bakugo said, breathing heavy.
"Easy B, easy." Kirishima comforted. Another gag came from his explosive boyfriend, and finally a stream of vomit followed. Bakugo coughed as more forcefully came up his throat, burning the absolute shit out of it considering the fact that it was all stomach acid. He started dry heaving again, almost in panic mode now.

"Get mom please." Bakugo begged. Kirishima nodded and quickly stepped out to get Mitsuki. Bakugo heard his mom drop silverware and heard hurried footsteps coming to the bathroom. She closed the door and just left her and Bakugo in the bathroom, knowing the panic attack that her son was about to have.

"Come here Katsuki." She kneeled next to him, arms open. He collapsed into her and started crying, full force complete crying.

"Shhh, it's okay. You're okay. Breathe." Mitsuki didn't see this part of her son often, they were usually yelling at each other and he'd have some smart ass comments to say towards her. The only times he ever did this was when he was sick like this. Bakugo really hated to throw up.

Mitsuki sat there holding her son until he calmed down. Never once commenting on anything about the situation, she just stroked his hair and reminded him to take deep breaths. After what felt like an hour, she finally helped Katsuki stand.

"Let's get you back on the couch with Kirishima, you gotta get something in your stomach." Mitsuki walked cautiously behind him as he slowly made his way back to his boyfriend embrace on the couch. Kirishima had gotten a trash can to put by the couch so Bakugo wouldn't have to get up again. Bakugo resumed his previous position of laying on the couch with his head in Kirishima's lap. Mitsuki brought out broth and a big glass of water for Bakugo and a sandwich and water for Kirishima.

"Eat and drink slowly Katsuki."

"I fucking know." He retorted. Mitsuki was glad that he at least could still be a smart ass with her.
The two boys sat up and ate the food while watching The Office. After Bakugo had finished he wrapped himself back up in the blankets and snuggled into Kirishima who was now laying behind him, spooning him and holding Bakugo close.

"You feel a little better with food in you?" Kirishima asked.
"Don't know yet." Bakugo said quietly, careful not to make any sudden movements to trigger any displeasure from his stomach.

"Why don't you try to sleep for a little bit?" Kirishima started to play with his hair, knowing that would put him to sleep instantly.

Bakugo hummed in response, closing his eyes and drifting off into sleep not long after.

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