The feeling

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Bakugou woke up with a sick feeling in his stomach. His head was spinning and he felt his body overcome with fever. He hadn't been feeling great the night before, so he turned in early despite protests from his classmates. It was 6:45 am, he needed to start getting ready for class.
Bakugou slowly sat up out of bed, trying his best to not make sudden movements with the state his stomach was in. He could feel last nights dinner churning inside.
Fuck, am I really going to get sick right now? He thought as he felt the sensation creep up his throat. He swallowed hard, but that only made it worse. He hurried out of his room into the community bathroom the boys shared, found the first stall and kneeled down in front of the toilet, ready for everything to emerge.
Fuck. He thought to himself.
Moments later, he retched hard, sending everything up his throat. He coughed and more continued to come up.
Kirishima walked into the community bathroom and heard the sounds of someone getting seriously sick. He hurried in, worried for whoever it was. The stall was left unlocked and Kirishima knocked and peeked in. He saw his, normally, very strong boyfriend, kneeled in front of the toilet, shaking and dry heaving.
"Babe, what? What's going on, why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" Kirishima stood over his boyfriend pulling his bangs back from his forehead.
"...didn't feel sick til just now.." Bakugou choked out. Kirishima frowned.
"Are you finished?" Kirishima asked with concern costing his voice. Bakugou shook his head, "...still need to.." Bakugou whispered his voice cracking. Kirishima started to rub circles around his back comforting his boyfriend as best he could. Deku walked into the bathroom and saw the scene not too long after.
"Kacchan? Are you alright?" He asked his childhood friend.
"...deku... can you get my meds?" Bakugou asked, this surprised not only Kirishima but also Deku, who hasn't been needed by Bakugou in years.
"Y-yeah of course, is it in the same bottle as before?" Deku asked.
"Mmhm." Bakugou groaned, he leaned over the toilet again heaving hard. Deku left promptly knowing what to get.
"Easy babe, I'm not sure you have much more to throw up." Kirishima cooed at him. He started to feel Bakugou shake.
"Want to try to go back to your room?" Kiri asked.
Bakugou shook his head, "...don't feel good.." he whimpered out. Kiri nodded and stayed rubbing his back, leaning more into him, hoping to stop his shaking. Deku came back into the bathroom, "Here." He handed Kiri a blue bottle labeled "Bullshit" on it.
"Hey B, do you want to take one of these pills?" He asked, Bakugou sat back nodding and took the bottle from Kiri.
"Thanks deku." Bakugou said, a little more cold than necessary. Deku nodded and continued getting ready for school, trusting that Kirishima could take it from there. After Bakugou had taken his pill, he closed his eyes, leaning against the stall wall. Kiri ran his fingers through his boyfriends hair, "Want to try and go back to your room now?" He asked. Bakugou nodded and slowly stood up on shakey legs. Kirishima held him by the waist for support and helped him into his bed.
"So what's going on, B? Are you feeling okay now?" Kiri questioned him.
Bakugou took a breath, "I didn't feel that great last night. I thought it'd be gone by this morning, I woke up and got fucking sick." The whole time he talked sounded strained and difficult for him to finish.
"What were those pills you took?"
Bakugou looked away uneasy. Kiri stayed looking straight at him, "You can tell me, you know I won't think any different of you." He heard another sigh from the blonde,
"They're anti-anxiety pills. I don't take them often." Bakugou refused to look at his boyfriend. Kiri frowned, "B, that's okay. A lot of people take them, nothing to be ashamed of." Bakugou didn't have it in him to protest his beliefs over the pills. He grabbed Kirishima's arm and pulled him into his bed with him.
"Stay with me?" Bakugou asked.
"Of course." Kiri said as he planted a kiss on the top of Bakugou's head. "Let me just text someone to let Aizawa know we won't be there today."
"Tell Deku." Bakugou quickly interjected.
"...Okay, whats with you being nice with him randomly today?" Kiri felt a weird pit of jealousy building up in him. Bakugou noticed it on his face,
"Kiri no, it's not like that chill the fuck out. I can't stand the nerd, he's just...seen me like this before. So.. he knows and he'll keep his mouth shut." He explained, Kiri relaxed at this information.
"Heh... okay sorry I don't know why that got to me for a second." Kiri took his phone out and texted Deku.

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