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The Younger Guardian slowly opened his eyes which were once purple but now yellow. He felt his head slightly aching. He slowly adjusted his eyes to the light pouring out from the window. On his side he noticed Dream technically asleep on a chair nearby him. He was confused.

"Shouldn't I be dead by now? I thought he killed me..." He thought to himself

"What happened? What the hell is going on here?" He said to himself but something didn't feel right. His normal bitterness was absent and he felt somewhat warm and fuzzy. He looked at his older brother quizzically.

"Dream?" He said which immediately made the Guardian of Positivity jolt awake and sit up straight. Man his brother is still with those posture and everything needs to perfect crap.

"Well I-I suppose I dozed off?" The Older Guardian said while Nightmare looked at him very confused. Technically a lot of questions were in his head at the moment. "Um... There are... some things to be discussed." Dream said yet again while I gave him the neutral face of displeasure.

"No S***." Nightmare said still keeping the same tone.

"I couldn't do it." Dream blurted out which brought Nightmare's attention.

"Kill me?" Nightmare said with a neutral face as Dream continued speaking.

"So... Let me start from the beginning." Dream said as he gave Nightmare an explanation of what was happening at the moment. Right now as the Younger Guardian listened the more he became confused yet surprised by what his brother was saying.

Then they had a small argument about some stuff which then reminded Nightmare of his two best friends who were technically held hostage somewhere in the castle. Man he nearly forgot them!

"Oh yeah, by the way. Where the heck did you stick my friends and literally let me see them right now." Nightmare said in his normal baritone voice. Dream was kind of giving him the same look Nightmare had before.

"You could just ask like a normal person." Dream said getting up from his seat as Nightmare also started to get up.

"Dude. They probably think I'm dead! Unless you freakin explained this to them and not me." Nightmare said with amusement in his voice as Dream looked at him then gave a small smile.

"... you know what perhaps that is a good idea." Dream said before leading Nightmare to his friends.

After Dream did that he and Nightmare explained what was going on. The two friends of Nightmare were confused as well but were relieved that that none of them were gonna be killed anymore. It technically did become a habit of them running away from JR 24/7. Not something new they faced everyday! Then Error asked if he could go home with the rest since they left a game on and well you get the idea where this is going!

"Oh. That reminds me. Do you plan to tell me where you live now? It's not like you have any reason to conceal your location anymore." Dream said. Nightmare looked at him for a few seconds contemplating on it along with his friends.

"This soon? Hate to break it to you, but after this long of being hunted by you, I don't think I'm mentally prepared to open up at all. Besides. I think you should figure it out yourself." Nightmare said with a smile on his face knowing that Dream always gets frustrated when it comes to finding and figuring out there address and all.

"I already figured it out like three times and you kept changing your address. I've had just about enough of 'figuring it out'." Dream said looking pretty annoyed with the entire thing since it has started to become a trend for them of playing cat and mouse.

~When Two Worlds Collide~ A Dreamswap AU Fanfiction {PLS READ THE DESC!}Where stories live. Discover now