Chapter 6: The Fire Manipulator

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Einar Warfield - a man of pure strength and determination, was a tall, broad-shouldered, muscular man. His hair was the most distinct thing about his appearance; fire-red spiked hair. He was actually born with the hair colour, and he remembered when he used to be among the stars. Others, of his kind, would laugh and point - he was the only one with red hair. This then reminded of when he was first cast down. That was when everything fell apart for the Element Manipulators - he wasn't thrown down by Mother Nature - no -he was thrown down by his own kind. His voice was apparently not wanted, and so a short trip down the not-so-real-elevator-of-shame he took.
In other words, he was thrown from the stars and he crash landed thousands of years ago and, ever since, he'd been living through the centuries, fighting in wars and sometimes disappearing from the face of the Earth all together.
The fact that the Manipulators had impeccable regenerative powers, made fighting in a war was easy - he'd get back up from a blow to the head.
The look on many enemy's faces would make him want to cackle manically at them - but that was unprofessional, according to the army.
So, Einar Warfied was red haired, army-trained Manipulator - a Manipulator of fire. He had to shave off his hair to avoid being kicked out. What brought him back to England was the question at hand, and not the colour of his hair or where he had landed or what wars he'd fought in. The war he'd care about would be in the future.
So, Einar had come over from the country of Sweden in search of something very precious to the Other People.
His job was to get to the rarity before they could, in order to ensure their lengthy punishment was fulfilled.
As Einar walked down the streets of London, he bumped into a few people; most apologised even though it wasn't their fault - too polite. He'd grunt in apology but he never really meant it. He'd be gone out of their lives and they'd never see him again, so what was the point?
He had walked over the Lambeth Bridge and had come to a stop just before the London Eye. He pulled his leather jacket closer around him, also pulling his leather, fingerless gloves tighter around his hands. After glancing around for a bit, he finally spotted the dark haired female he'd been following. She was wearing a yellow jumper and brown trousers with small flimsy shoes. His ice blue eyes locked onto her and he gave a smirk.
Lifting his hand to his mouth, he seemed to speak into it and nodding as a response. A child walked by him, holding an ice cream and staring at him in awe. So much so that the ice cream had melted and slipped from the cones grasp. But before he could realise this, his mother had pulled him away.
"We'll get you out the way, and then go find the Girl." He muttered to himself. He and his team were to get to a little town called Locksley, the town where the prodigy lived, in order to protect her and teach her how to control her powers. There was so much she had inside of her and, as stated in the stars, she was most dominant in her fire power. This, to Einar, clarified that she had not yet seen the extent of the other three elements she could control and, as theorised, meant that she may be weak to them.
This would not be when the team had got to her. She would be the four Phoenixes, all combined and all powerful - the ultimate bird itself.
As he followed the young woman in the yellow jumper, he was almost laughing at the idea the humans had of a Phoenix.
Apparently it was a legendary bird whose wings were made of fire. That was not so. Phoenixes are similar to humans and are the Manipulators born to be great - such as the prodigy herself. Yes, they can control all four elements, like normal Manipulators, but they can become all four elements. Einar found this fact rather interesting and it was his ambition, apart from protecting the Phoenix, to find out what sets them apart from the Manipulators.
Einar finally saw the yellow jumper disappear down a back lane and he muttered his status into his hand again. The message travelled down the microphone wire and a reply came through his ear piece.
"I'm on her." He muttered, following her closely. The woman had disappeared completely by the time he reached the dead end in the back lane. He cursed under his breath and put his hands on top of his head. A string of curses left his mouth and he turned sharply, anger bubbling inside him - so much that his hands started to glow the deep red and he glanced down and willed them to cool.
"She's got away." He mentioned. A snarl coming out of his ear piece. He yanked it out and growled.
He didn't understand, she was right there. Unless he'd underestimated her - maybe she was an Air Manipulator?
That was it, he was sure, there was no other way she could have escaped.

"Einar?! Einar, I swear, if you've taken out your ear piece, again, I'm going to kick you-" a squeaky voice erupted from the dangling ear piece and Einar rolled his eyes. He shoved it back in his ear.
"I was ignoring your whine of a voice - it gives me headache, now shut up and get the convoy ready." He spoke into his palm again.
"I don't think we can call it a convoy anymore, Einar, CC took the last two cars and took the rest of the team up to Locksley with her. You've been left with me and the van."
The voice seemed to tremble passing on this news.
"This better be a joke, Dorian, or I swear to Mother I'll rip her to pieces-" Einar was almost breathing fire - something he wish he could do, but he'd not been graced with that skill.
"Sorry, Einar, she said to tell you she'd set up everything when she got there, and that they wouldn't approach the girl without you there." The voice, Dorian, spoke. Einar was already hurrying back to the van, eyes glaring with rage.
"Did the others go willingly?" He asked, pushing someone out of the way and yet again, they apologised. That angered him more.
"No - that's the good news. She's a little hotheaded, isn't she?" Dorian chuckled.
Einar was only ten minutes away, and he finally growled;
"She never bloody listens."

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