Chapter Eight ☕️

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Chapter eight

All that was throughout the caffe was silence.

Akiko was still on the ground stuck on her thoughts of what she witnessed on the tv above her 'Ohmygodohmygodohmygod' it was replying in her mind non stop until she was pulled out by Shai who looked like she just saw a ghost. Shai was looking at her with concern and reached down and wiped her sister tears she didn't even know she was shedding. "Go." Akiko kait states at her sister with confusion "Go to him." "But-" Akiko was cut off by her sister hug "Go I got the caffe and I'll text Hanta for details on where he is" Akiko looked at her sister and she shrugged it off and helped Akiko up and pushed her to the back and told her to clean her self up. "Thanks... but I don't k ow where I'd be going.." "I'll get the info and send it to you while your readying yourself. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" "Oh please I'm sure your the one he wants to see the most." Shai gave her a reassuring smile and sent her up stairs. And with that Akiko left.

Akiko was just finishing getting out of her work clothes and was grabbing her new jacket and purse when she got a text from her sister saying he was in Hosu general and his room number. Akiko ran down stairs again and grabbed a few coffees in case people were there. "I told Hanta you were going he said that the whole Bakusquad was there" "what on earth is a bakusquad?" Akiko asked with a head tilt "I guess his main group of friends you met them already haha" "Ooh.. So that would mean I'd need 5-6 coffees?" Shai laughed and already had their orders "I asked Hanta what everyone wanted." Akiko looked relived and noticed Eijiros order "Oh is he awake?" "Not yet but he said he'd be waking up shortly" "Oh okay-" but she was cut off by someone coming into the store. Mina waved and saw Akiko with a tray of coffees and she motioned to the door "Oh great your ready! Let's go!" Akiko nodded and headed out with Mina.

Akiko followed Mina into the room and was greeted my everyone and she gave a smile smile and gave out there coffees "Hope you like them haha Shai made them so if they taste terrible it's on her" Akiko said "Your caffe literally has the best coffee." Kaminari said while drinking his and humming in enjoyment "Oh uh why thanks, you guys know you'd get free coffee right? I literally have a sign that says pros get free coffee." Akiko said as she rubbed the back of her neck "Oh really?" Sero, Mina and Kaminari all exclaim at the same time "Well yeah, it's not a lot but I do appreciate you guys keeping us small folks safe" "Awwwe! That's it we need to adopt her into the Bakusquad!" Mina said "Uh what the hell is that?" Akiko asked a little nervous "Oh! It's what we call our group!" Kaminari explained "Oh, well um thanks" Akiko said with a smile "Ugh you guys are dumb.." Bakugo said with an eye roll "Yes but we are your idiots oh powerful leader" Sero said jokingly "Tch whatever" "Uh... So... Whos the other coffee for?" Hanta asked as he did a quick head check and noticed the extra coffee in her hands "Oh it's for Eijiro when he wakes up..." "Aww aren't you just the sweetest~" Mina gushed and then she revived a glare from Bakugo. Akiko went and sat at the empty seat beside him and noticed all the looks she was getting and they looked shocked "W-what..?" She asked concerned like she committed a murder "I'm surprised your brave enough to sit beside King explosion murder himself" Mina said in complete shock. Akiko just tilted her head to side and furrowed her brows at why she should be scared to sit beside him and had her thoughts cut off when she heard a certain voice she didn't realized she missed start to talk "Because she's super manly and strong *cough*" Kirishima almost said in a whisper Akiko looked at the man she'd fallen for and released a breath she didn't know she was holding in, "Y-you're o-okay..." she said full of relief and happiness. Kirishima just smiled his beautiful toothy smile at her. Akiko didn't realize she started crying till she felt wetness hit her hand and she quickly tried to wipe her tears of joy before anyone noticed but of course it didn't go unnoticed by a certain red head. Bakugo got up mumbled something under his breath that only Kirishima could hear as he gave a quick pat to his shoulder and was about to leave when he stopped and turned "WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR! HES FINE AND WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO WORK!" Everyone jumped except for Kirishima and Akiko who just giggled at his sudden loudness everyone looked at her again for not being scared of him but quickly said there goodbyes and that they would check on him later and left with Bakugo right after but before he left he looked at Akiko making her shift back a bit at his intense glare "Take care of him, anything happens update me ASAP... and sorry, about your coat" and with that he left after leaving a small paper with his cell number on it. Akiko was shocked mostly at the apology she had suddenly received, Kirishima just let out a breathy laugh at her reaction.

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