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Seungmin's pov

Chan hyung likes me?
How could I believe that? No no... It's not true...Jisung is lying...
But what if-

I gasped when someone spilled cold drink on my shirt.

"Oohhh...day dreaming?"

"Minho hyung please leave me alone..."

"Leave me alone..."
Changbin imitated Seungmin and began to laugh.

"Soo....you finally showed your true colours to Hyunjin..don't you?"


"Haha..I'm so fucking happy you've done that. He never believed me. But thanks to you...h-

I heard Jisung shouting behind us. He came to me and hold my hand.

"You! And you! Pointing to Minho and Changbin* If I see you near Seungmin again...You're dead! Got it? Now get the hell out of here!!!"

Minho didn't say a word. He left the classroom. Changbin also followed him.

Did they really got scared of Jisung?

"Seungminie you alright?"

"I'm fine Ji...thank you for saving me."

"Ya! Don't thank me...I am your bestfriend and I'm always there for you."

"Then what about me..??"
We both turned to see a pouty Felix behind us.

"You're also my bestfriend Lix!! Come here..."
I said and hugged him while chuckling.

"Yaaa!!! Hug me too!!!"
Jisung jumped and hugged both of us.

"I love you two..."

"We also love you tooo!!"
They both said in sync.

I'm sad. I've to leave you both.

"Seungminie...lets go to the shopping mall today..."

"Shopping mall..?"

"Yaaasss Ji..!! I agree...lets go Seungminie....I'll tell Chan hyung too..."

"Mmmm....okay then lets go!"


Chan's pov

Felix said that they are going to the shopping mall after college and asked me to join them. I also agreed because I can spend more time with Seungmin.

Jisung and Felix went together so Seungmin dragged me with him.

"Chan hyung...can you help me to choose presents for Felix and Jisung..?"

"Umm...yeahh sure. What do you want to give them?"

"I've no idea hyung. I want to give something they can keep forever."

Because this going to be the last gift for them.

"Mmm....then....what about necklaces?"

"Necklaces? Do you think they'll love it?"

"Yeah of course. Come I'll help you to choose."

Finaly we chose two necklaces  for those crack heads.

"Thank you hyung for helping me..!"

"No problem. By the way Seungmin...when is your birthday?"

"22 nd..."

"In this month?"

He giggled.

So cute.

"Hyung lets go and find Lix and Ji..."
He said while holding my hand.

"Wait Seungmin...I'll call Felix."

Seungmin's pov

"I can go alone. Don't worry..."
We were going home after the shopping session ended.

"No Seungmin we c-

"I can go alone..!!! And I'm going now bye!!!"
I yelled while running away from them. I don't want to bother them. And I'm not a baby now I can go alone.

I heard them shouting. I turned back and waved them. After that I again continued running because it was late and I was scared if I miss the bus.

But all of a sudden I felt pain. My heart began to ache.I clutched my chest and fell into knees.

"No....not now...please...."


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Eighth chapter is done ✔

I unpublished 'Promise' 'Remember me' and 'Late' for editing. Because they are not completed.
And I don't know what to do with other stories. They're too long and I  don't know how to change the plot. Can you guys tell me something to do?😕

HEARTBEAT (SEUNGJIN)/COMPLETED/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora