Chapter 15: Epilogue: That's Gonna Be Us

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Home had never been more welcoming, after the week Clarke and Lexa had endured. There were no more prying eyes and questions, no more judgmental gazes or appearances to keep. They had returned to the place where it had all started. Where they had started. They'd left as fake girlfriends, and returned as real, actual fiancées. It was, quite honestly, the greatest feeling in the world, for both women.

Everything that had happened within the last 48 hours felt like too much of a dream sequence to be real to Clarke. Confessing her love for Lexa, making love to Lexa (which, in its mind-blowing splendor, was the best she'd ever had), losing her, and regaining her all within the span of two days. And then of course, there was the matter of the proposal.

Everything was absolutely perfect.

"Here we are." Clarke brushed her fingers against the thin layer of glazed paint that coated the wooden door to her apartment. Her apartment? Was that even a fair assessment, anymore? Now that she was engaged to Lexa- and god, just thinking about it made her giddy- was anything actually hers?

Did they live together?

Were they just supposed to slip back into their own apartments after all they'd been through?

Clarke didn't want to push Lexa into anything she was uncomfortable with. She'd been floored when Lexa proposed, as she'd thought their relationship was ending. Despite it being the greatest surprise of her existence, she was aware of what an accomplishment it was for her: To put herself out there, heart and soul, at Clarke's mercy. To depend on someone other than herself. To love someone for what might have been the first time since she'd met Aden.

So naturally, when they paused at their respective doors, suitcases in hand, idly avoiding each other's gazes, Clarke made the first move to speak.

"Well, uh..." Clarke cleared her throat hesitantly, trying not to acknowledge the way Lexa's leather jacket and tight jeans made her feel an insatiable heat within her. And they'd already attempted fixing that. On the plane. "I'll go inside and unpack."

Lexa nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Yeah." She blew out a puff of air. They were engaged, for the love of god. It didn't need to be awkward.

Clarke stepped into her apartment, shutting the door behind her as Lexa went into hers, respectively. Clarke slid back against the door, heart heavy. She closed her eyes, and sucked in a breath. Lexa wasn't comfortable moving this quickly? Too bad. Clarke needed to live with her fiancée.

Clarke spun around, blonde locks whirling over her shoulder as she tore the door open, blinking in shock when she found Lexa standing there, lips parting slightly in surprise.

They'd been alone for approximately ten seconds.

That was ten seconds too long.

"We're so dumb." Clarke breathed, throwing her arms around Lexa's neck as she placed a searing kiss on her lips, unsurprised to find Lexa picking her up, her thighs wrapping around Lexa's waist.

"The dumbest." Lexa grinned against her lips, hands supporting Clarke's weight as she pulled away for a split second to consult with Clarke.

"So." Clarke breathed, forehead pressed against Lexa's. "I have to say...I don't think I can live without you."

Lexa smiled against her lips, slight confusion in her emerald gaze. "That's sweet, but am I going somewhere?"

"No." Clarke paused. "I mean, like, live here without you. We just spent a whole week living together, sleeping in the same bed...I want that to be our life. I know you said you wanted to take things slowly, and that the ring was just a symbol, but-"

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