Chapter 4: The Sex Talk

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It wasn't really shocking. It was supposed to be inevitable, right? Like the sun would rise the following morning, and Clarke would forget to lock her damn apartment door.

The sex talk was inevitable.

"I...I think we should have the talk."

The initial shock wasn't as bad.

"Hmm?" Clarke hummed, turning towards Lexa. "What talk?"

"The sex talk."

Lexa's lips were numb when she uttered the words, as if they were taboo, like a child in primary school. She twiddled her thumbs like a reproached schoolchild.

Clarke's eyes widened and she paused the show, eyes freezing when she noticed it happened to be in the middle of one of Game of Throne's many risqué sex scenes.

"Well...that's fitting." Clarke muttered as she promptly shut the screen off, not missing Lexa's reddened cheeks.

Clarke then turned to her, legs dangling off the couch, as she and Lexa were just inches apart.

"Lexa...listen very carefully." Clarke spoke, and Lexa's eyes were fixated on the lips that had just uttered the command, as she found herself licking her own.

Lexa nodded just a bit, a signal that she understood.

"Well, Lexa..." Clarke sighed. "When two people love each other very very much..." Clarke smirked, doing her best impression of an elementary school teacher trying to describe intercourse to her students.

Lexa smacked Clarke on the arm, eyes narrowing in response as a hidden smile graced her full lips.

"Ow!" Clarke rubbed her arm, frowning. "What was that for?"

"I know what sex is, Clarke." Lexa rolled her eyes. "I meant...what about...our sex? How do we..." Lexa was fumbling for the correct terminology, and Clarke was enjoying every damn second.

Clarke's smirk returned. "I like to think you're a top, but-"

Another slap on the arm.

"Christ, Clarke..." Lexa bit her lip in embarrassment. "Not what I meant."

Clarke sighed, smiling still. "Okay, okay. I couldn't resist."

Lexa cocked her head to the side. "I...what's our stance on it? And ...public displays of affection in general?"

Clarke grinned. "Pro-sex, obviously."

Lexa rolled her eyes, rising. "If you're not going to take this seriously..."

"Lexa, wait! I'm sorry." Clarke's apology wasn't enough to stop her.

Clarke pulled her back down, perhaps with a bit too much force, as Lexa fell backwards into Clarke's lap.

Both girls froze, hearts hammering, chests rising and falling particularly quickly.

"See?" Clarke breathed. "Top."

Lexa immediately blushed at feeling Clarke's breath on her exposed neck.

"So...we're...comfortable with it?" Lexa asked meekly.

Clarke cocked a brow. "What's got you so worked up about this? You're never this...jumpy."

Lexa's rebuttal was fair. "You said that your friends would ask this kind of stuff."

Clarke smirked. "Oh yeah. That's not entirely out of the realm of possibility."

"So, we need to get our story straight." Lexa cleared her throat. "Like...our intimate story."

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