What are you doing? - Both

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Summary: The boys always try's to cock-block  Larry but what if he keeps getting it wrong


Harry and Louis have been going off to spend time alone a lot lately. None of the boys know what their doing, but they assume it's dirty. They finally let their curiosity get the best of them, so they try to walk in on them, but it doesn't always go as planned.


The first time it happened, they had all been playing FIFA at Liams house. Harry and Louis had both lost, and disappeared into the kitchen, they had been there for a long time. Zayn, Niall and Liam has all decided to send Liam with a camera to go cock-block them.

As Liam approached the kitchen entrance he started hearing unmistakable grunts coming from the room. He slowly walked through the entrance, camera ready, bracing himself just enough to see them-

wrestling on the floor.

Louis somehow had finally pinned Harry down and grabbed the chocolate bar that they had been wrestling over from him and looked up to see Liam gapping at them, face completely red. Louis smirked when he saw Liam holding a camera.

"What'd you think you would see in here, Payno? We are both completely innocent boys, we would never do what you might be insinuating." Louis said, on the verge of laughing. Harry was shaking under him, trying to keep his laughs in. Liam just sighed dramatically and left the kitchen, not missing the loud cackles coming from Louis and Harry in the kitchen.


The second time it happened, all the boys were on the tour bus watching a movie. They had had a long day of walking and running around, mostly because they are young, energetic boys.

They had all settled down for Harry Potter, but an hour and a half into it, Louis and Harry had dismissed themselves to the bunk area. A few minutes later, they heard moaning. The three boys left on the couch traded wary looks, quietly deciding Niall would be going this time.

Niall grabbed the camera, turning it on and slowly heading to the bunk area, dreading what he was about to see. He slowly walked toward the entrance and peered in, met with the sight of Harry on his knees, Louis' leg held in front of him while he massaged it. Loud moans coming from Louis mouth made Niall snicker and turn the camera off before he spoke.

"You two might want to quiet down a bit, we got scared you two were doing other things in here," he said. He chuckled when Harry and Louis' face went red. He turned around and walked to the other boys, explaining what had just happened.


The third time it happened it was Zayn filming. The boys were all together in the middle of the day before a concert when they heard panting and banging from the room next to them. They immediately knew it was Harry and Louis and knew what they were doing. Zayn just grabbed his camera and walked out the door, heading down the hallway to their door.  He slowly opened the door, surprised it wasn't locked considering what they were doing. He crept in and snuck to the bed area, pressing play on the camera.

He pointed it only to be disappointed with the sight of Harry and Louis working out, doing jumping jacks and bouncing around. He groaned loudly, causing the two boys to whip around. He shut the camera off and trudged out of the room, mumbling rude and vile things. Harry and Louis looked at each other in surprise, wanting to know what Zayn was on about.


Finally, they were at Louis and Harry's flat. They were working on songs for the new album. They had been doing this for hours. Louis and Harry had excused themselves for a break not that long ago. The boys were getting sick of getting their hopes up for catching them in the middle of something, so they just decided to stop trying.

Niall exclaimed he was going to go find Louis and Harry and hang out with them for a break, too. He got up and headed towards to kitchen, not seeing them there. He then checked their bathroom upstairs, but found nothing. He headed toward the bedroom, somehow not hearing the loud moans and pants.

He walked through the bedroom door and almost screamed at what he saw not even ten feet away. Harry was up on the bureau, holding onto it for dear life while Louis pounded into him. Neither boy had noticed Niall, standing there mortified, not able to move or blink.

"Right there, Lou, mmm so big" Harry panted. Louis continued to slam into him, grunting and moaning.

"Yeah haz, so tight for me, m'so close" Louis had moaned out. Niall had finally found his voice and screamed. Both boys whipped their heads up to the source of the loud sound and turned red when they noticed Niall standing there.

When Niall didn't move Louis picked up a shoe at him and yelled a "get out." Niall walked mortified to the two confused boys who had stopped their work on the songs. "I didn't get it on camera," was all he had mumbled. Zayn and Liam has burst out laughing, only laughing more when Harry and Louis came downstairs all frazzled and hot, hair a mess and clothes wrinkled.

Let's just say they never heard the end of it.

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