Best Friends or More? - Both

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Summary: They're the bestest of friends. They've known each other since birth. But what if they want more? What if one tries to move on?

Harry and Louis have been best friends since birth, literally. They were born in the same room since the hospital was too full. They do everything together, like learning to ride a bike, potty training, the first day of school, they literally did everything together. They were attached at the hip, never leaving the others side.

Now here they were, in the middle of their Junior year. They were still as close as could be. But they both had secret feelings for the other that they decided to keep to themselves. Neither wanted to ruin the perfectly good friendship they had, by telling the other their feelings.

"Hey footie player, wanna come back to mine?" Harry said teasingly. Louis decided to keep the joke going.

"Hm, depends, is Gemma there??" He teased, knowing Harry hated when Louis brought up Gemma. He was always scared Gemma would take Louis away from him, or start dating Louis and break up, making it awkward. He also didn't want Gemma dating Louis because Louis was HIS. Louis just didn't know yet...

Harry groaned loudly at the mention of his sister. Louis laughed and walked out of the school building and towards the car park, with Harry slightly lagging behind. Harry dragged his feet all the way to Louis car, pouting when he got into the passenger side. Louis reaches over and pinched his cheek, successfully getting him to smile again.

They drove to Harry's, walked inside, grabbing some snacks on the way, and heading straight to Harry's bedroom.

"Lou, help I've got a date tonight and I don't know what to wear!" Hardy exclaimed pouting, holding up a bunch of shirts.

Louis looked over at him, putting his phone down, now extremely jealous of whoever was getting Harry.
He narrowed his eyes, looking for the worst shirt Harry could find to wear on his date, hoping the girl would lose interest. Once he finally got a bad enough outfit, Harry hurried to put it on, fixing his hair as the doorbell rang.

Harry turned, looking around his room, grimacing at the mess. "Don't worry about it haz, I'll clean it when you leave. Cmon lets go meet your date." Harry gave him a grateful hug, then grabbing his hand and running out the door, tugging him along. Louis stomach dropped as he saw Harry so eager to go on this date with his mystery girl.

He watched as Harry open the door, revealing a really pretty girl. She had black hair and deep brown eyes, she had fairly pale skin and she was skinny. Louis immediately started comparing himself to the girl. She was sweet as she greeted Louis, then grabbing Harry's hand as she led him out the door.

Once their car had pulled out of the driveway, Louis turned around and ran upstairs to Harry's room tears springing into his eyes. He cleaned Harry's room, now full on sobbing as he walked out the front door, ignoring Anne's questions of what was wrong.

He went home, curling up with his duvet, crying himself to sleep knowing he could never have Harry.

Harrys date was horrible. The only reason he had gone on that date was to get over Louis. To be honest he did not like the girl one bit, she was sickly sweet. Too sweet. He didn't like her at all, because she wasn't Louis. they had gone out to dinner, but they never talked. If they did talk it was small talk and she didn't even try to engage in the conversation with Harry. He had driven her home in silence and then got to his own house. He walked into the front door, greeting his mom in the kitchen. He was about to turn and walk to his room, when his mom called for him to wait.

He leaned on the counter across from where she sat on a stool. "After you left on your date, Louis cleaned your room but when he left he was full on sobbing. Did you say something to him to hurt him?" She said in a somewhat warning voice.

"No of course not! I have no idea why he was crying but I'm going to check up on him. I'll be home soon, I have my phone on me too so text me if you need me to stop somewhere or something." He said as he was walking out the door.

It was a short drive to Louis', he knew the route pretty well. He used his key and walked into Louis' house, it was all quiet considering both of his parents were working late like always, and his sisters were at daycare and friends houses. He walked up the stairs, skipping 3 at a time. He practically ran towards Louis' room, hearing the whimpers and sobs.

He slowly creaked the door open, seeing Louis wrapped in his duvet, facing away from him. The crying and noises had stopped, now everything was just quiet. "Lou? Why are you crying?" Louis just sniffed in return. Harry went to sit on Louis' bed, pulling back the duvet. Louis tried to keep it up, but lost as Harry grabbed it and moved it away.

"Lou, talk to me." Louis shook his head and whimpered.

"I can't you'll hate me and you'll never talk to me again."

"I could never stop talking to you, Lou! Please tell me?" Harry pleaded.

"Fine." Louis sniffed, slowly shifting to sit up. "Imkindofinlovewithyouanddidntwantyoutogooutwiththatgirlandyou'llneverlovemeback." It took Harry a few moments to work out what he just said but as soon as he got it his head shot up, now beaming at the scared boy in front of him.

He tackled him in a hug and kissed his cheek over and over, until Louis was a giggling mess under his kisses. "I'm in Love with you to Lou, I have ever since we were in middle school. I kept trying to get over you but I just can't. I'm so in love with you Louis, please be my boyfriend??"

Louis took this as an opportunity to grab the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss, saying yes over and over as he pulled back.

"I love you, Haz."

"I love you too, boobear."

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