Beam me up, Scotty

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Everything was going as normal as possible under those strange circumstances until when my third month of pregnancy was almost over; since some nights ago he had been serious and worried, not due to the results because now that I could read them on my own I knew that everything was fine, it was something else, something he didn't want to tell me

"Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" I complained practically stopping, cold, all the passion and playfulness that we had been enjoying until that moment

"I had already told you: nothing is bothering me" he answered sighing heavily, avoiding looking at me in the eyes

"Please" I begged seeking to catch his eyes with mine "just tell me the truth"

"Very well..." he said sighing again "I'm going to tell you what's happening, directly:" he made a pause during which he took a deep breath, during which he looked at me directly

"Mercí's development" he said referring to our daughter, for that was the name that between both we had chosen for her "has reached the maximum possible capacity within you, to continue her growth, in the traditional manner of your species, it would be lethal for both"

"What?" I asked almost in shock for what I had just listened, I felt myself going pale and my heart beat accelerating in anguish

"The extraction of Mercí is a necessity, so that she can continue her growth as our species does" he said in a cold tone of voice, almost mechanical, that never, until now had I heard him used. Listening to him speak like that, joint with what he had said practically made me faint in his arms

Feeling and acting almost like a zombie I was during the whole next day, while in my mind I heard over and over again the same phrase:

"In two days a group of specialist will come to perform the extraction"

During the following two nights he continued to assure me, giving me trust in that such a procedure wouldn't have any complication; that could be performed without further assistance on his ship, but given the extreme importance that we, both of us, had for him and his species, he hadn't wanted to take any risk. Neither him nor the leaders of his species

The second day came and found be shaking with fear, since that morning until the moment when he came into my bedroom

"Everything is going to be fine" again he assured while hugging me, comforting me, putting me at ease

"I'm very afraid!" I said again trembling and crying "for myself, but above all for Mercí" I said amid sobs

"There is nothing to be afraid of" he said calmly and with and enormous smile in his face "we are going to take good care of you, of both of you"

"And...and if...something happens?"

"Nothing is going to happen" he said hugging me again, holding me firmly against his powerful structure "and you will be able to meet her immediately" he said thrilled

"Can you promise me that both of us are going to be fine?" I asked trying to calm down while cleaning the tears with the sleeve of my pajama

"I promise" he said with a firm and serious voice. A glimpse of a scared smile appeared on my face, for he had never lied to me "beside you will be able to know the insides of my ship" he said while winking

"It can't be very different from others I have seen in movies" I said half joking and half seriously, with a mischievous smile on my face while he was bent with laughter

"It's as different, from anything you have ever seen in a movie, as an ant would be against a star" he answered with fake seriousness, when he finally stopped laughing

"It can't be sooo different, can it?" I asked filled with curiosity

"Would you like to find out for yourself?" he said shaking in his hand a strange spherical and crystalline object

"Can I do it?" I begged looking at him with tender, puppy like eyes, the same expression that any little girl would use to convince her father to buy or give her something

"Go ahead" he said with a smile while handing me that sphere he had in his hand and that was already set, just waiting for the order

"Beam us up, Scotty!" I exclaimed with a wide smile before confirming the order that would take us to his ship

"You were dying to do that, right?" he asked almost bent with laughter when instants later we appeared in the pristine interior of his ship "I can't believe my girlfriend is a Trekker..." he said while guiding me through the complex labyrinth that the insides of his ship was

"I'm not really one" I answered slightly offended "and I also can't believe that you are a fan of Star Wars"

"I'm not really either" he immediately answered without turning to look at me "I'm only amused by your concept of what a Stellar War would be, if you only really knew how they are..." he said sighing "besides your limited comprehension and childish interpretation about how the manipulation of the quintessence should be makes me laugh..."

"You speak just like a fan would!" I interrupted him while laughing

"Of course not" he complained, turning to look at me

"Of course you do" I answered almost singing while I got ahead a few steps

"Humans" he said in a barely audible tone of voice, while making an effort to withstand my childish attitude

"Alien" I said turning to see him while poking my tongue out at him

"How dare you" he answered, with fake offense, while catching me and lifting me in his powerful arms

"How dare you, come to my world and seduce me" I said almost in a purr while snuggling against him, feeling safe among his arms

"I only did it, because I love you"

"And I love you too"

La Espera - English Version - The WaitingWhere stories live. Discover now