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We were on a crazy train that was our life. A few more years went by and our son Joaquin Joseph was born then two years after that was our son Logan James. Four boys and one precious girl we had. Our house was loud, crazy and full and we were loving every minute of it.

I walked up to the door of our home after work and I heard laughing and yelling. When I walked inside, I saw the kids running around the foyer with Nerf guns in their hands.

"You may need this." Lilith threw a Nerf gun into my hand. "You're on AC, Ashton and Maxwell's team."

"SO, whose team are you on?" I asked laughing.

"Myself, Sophia, Britney and Sienna." She tried to back away from me.

I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her as a shield when Sienna Sophia and Britney surrounded me.

"Hey, no fair I gave you a gun." Lilith tried to pull away, but I held her tighter.

Sienna raised the Nerf gun at me "Let my mommy go." She ordered me.

"Never." I protested.

Lilith was laughing hysterical then the boys came down the stairs and everyone started shooting. Nerf bullets flying everywhere I pulled Lilith into the hall closet and I started kissing her.

"Come out with your hands up." Ashton ordered.

"Never." I yelled back through the door.

"We have a hostage situation." AC called out.

"I thought you guys were on my team?" I called out to my sons.

"We are the cops and the girls are the criminals." Ashton called back "So now that you took mom hostage that makes you a bad cop."

"Well I'm dealing with this criminal personally." I said to Ashton then I started kissing Lilith again. "Don't worry she will pay for her crimes." I started tickling Lilith and she was laughing.

"I surrender." She laughed "I surrender."

I opened the door and all the kids opened fire on us and then they tackled me to the ground laughing.

These little moments I cherish the most because it only lasts for so long before they are off to college and then growing up with families of their own. Night time came and I started to make my normal rounds of saying goodnight to each kid. I walked into AC and Ashton's room first.

"It's getting late boys time for lights out." I said to them walking into their room.

"One more minute I'm just finishing this drawing." Ashton was holding his usual drawing pad in his hand.

I walked over to him to see what he was drawing, and it was mountains. "That's really good son." I said staring at the drawing.

"I can't get the lighting just right." Ashton was a little frustrated.

"Mom can help you with that tomorrow after school." I told him taking the drawing pad out of his hand "But for now it's bedtime."

"Yes Dad." Ashton said as I leaned over to give him a kiss goodnight.

"Good night AC." I walked over to his bed and leaned over and kissed him too.

"I wanted to try out for football, but Mom said I had to ask you first." AC asked looking up at me.

"Dude you're 9 how bout you wait until middle school." I told him.

"But if I want to be a professional football player, I have to start young." He insisted.

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