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I had finally been moved up to Natalie's class in school. The school had decided to call Lulu to talk about moving me into a gifted program. She didn't pick up.

I didn't think much of it though. I had been here for six months now so it wasn't unexpected that she wouldn't pick up. I arrived at home with the others to find Lulu standing right inside the front door. She screamed and beat me for about two hours. She thought the call was about me getting in trouble.

When she finished she stormed downstairs and I heard the TV blasting so I knew she was distracted. Natalie came in with Tim who lifter me up and carried me to the upstairs bathroom and sat me on the toilet before leaving.

Bobby stood by the door making sure the boys didn't come in and that Lulu didn't get distracted. Meanwhile the others worked on patching me up and disguising my injuries with makeup. Suddenly the boys came rushing in and Phil was brandishing his phone open on Facebook to a video of my beating.

"We've got her now Cia! We may not be able to call the police but now we have evidence. Lulu can't deny this. It's video evidence and my friend called the police. Their coming Cia, we're saved." We all smiled and Louisa letter forward to hug Phil while Bobby patted him on the back. We were all celebrating until we heard Lulu call us from downstairs.

We all shared a scared look before heading downstairs carefully sticking close together. Lulu was standing at the end of the stairs with one hand behind her back. She lifted me up with the other one and carried me into the living room. The others were standing in a line Infront of us. Lulu stood me down Infront of her holding me tightly so I couldn't move.

"This is what happens when you disobey me children. I hope you learn your lesson. Say goodbye to little Lacia here." Lulu said taking the other hand out from behind her back. I didn't see what it was but the others failed and began to scream in protest. I finally saw what it was!

Lulu was holding a sharp steak knife that was very shiny. I knew exactly which knife it was. The sharpest one she owned. I struggled to try to escape her grasp but her grip was too tight as she lay the sharp blade against my neck.

She started cutting going deeper each time. Blood trickled down my neck onto my T-shirt creating a large bloody station. I couldn't scream, I couldn't even breath. I heard the others screaming. Natalie even tried to stop her but was thrown away and cut stopping her.

I heard the sirens in the distance and Lulu started cutting harder trying to end it all before the police got here. She wasn't quick enough and the police Broke down the door and hurried in. One of them grabbed the knife or of Lulu's grasp and handcuffed her as another one came to me and held me.

There was an ambulance outside and I was loaded onto it with one of the officers Camouflage jacket draped around my shoulders like a heavy blanket. I passed out during the drive and woke up in hospital. I was lying on the hospital bed with the camo jacket hanging from a hook beside me. Natalie was lying in a bed to my right with her own camo jacket but the others were nowhere to be found.

I was wearing an oxygen mask and hooked up to a machine. I didn't care though. I was Safe. Lulu couldn't get to me here.

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