16. Near

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I'm staring at the horse races on the screen but not really watching, I try to pay attention and then my mind starts drifting once more. Laying in the middle of the bed, I replay the conversation I had with my mother and the guilt starts taking over my whole body. Going against the family is not something I do, ever. Since I left the palace I've been wanting to go retract myself, take all of it back and simply get the marriage done so it's all over once and for all. Maybe, if everyone else is happy, I will be happy. Maybe, I could be happy with her like Layla suggested.

The land line on the bedside table rings and I roll over and stretch my arm to get it.

"Yes." I answer dryly.

"Your highness, Miss Roberts is here to see you." Mohammed announces.

I sit up straight. "What?"

"Security just let her in."

"I'll get the door." I hang up and hurry up to the closet to get a t-shirt.

I grab one that sort of matches the sweats I'm wearing, running a hand through my hair I don't bother to put any shoes on. Hurrying down the stairs I can't keep the excitement bottled up inside, but I won't let her know, because I know very well what she's doing here. I face the door and take a deep breath before opening. I find her on the other side of it wearing jeans, a loose button down blouse and white tennis shoes.

Casually, I lean on the door frame. "What is this?" I ask her. "Damage control?"

She takes her shades off and does a little curtsy. "At your service."

I adore her sense of humor and how lovely she looks dressed like this. She can dress up like a queen and then wear something like this, so casual, like me.

"Who sent you?" I keep up with my cold facade.

She clicks her tongue and sighs. "Basically, everyone. The entire Emirate would send me if they knew what you did."

I move to the side. "Come on in."

I can smell her perfume when she walks past me and stands in the middle of the foyer, looking up and around.

"This is very nice." She admits.

I stand next to her. "Well, I have excellent taste."

She looks at me and squints her eyes.

"Do you want to take a seat?" I offer, pointing with my arm to the main living area.

She starts walking and leaves her bag and sunglasses on the couch before taking a seat. I sit on the other end of the same couch.

Mohammed quietly shows up, bowing his head. "Your highness, miss Roberts, can I offer you anything to drink?"

I look at Layla and she shakes her head.

"We're good, Mohammed, thank you." I reply. "And we might need some privacy, please."

I lean back comfortably and wait for her to say something because I have a feeling this will be very interesting. First, she pushes for me to do what I really want and now she's here on behalf of the entire family to try and make me change my mind.

"So, how are you?" She begins. "But really, how are you? How are you feeling?"

Uh, not what I expected. She's staring at me with actual worry in her eyes. I should be used to it by now; with Layla things never go the way I expect them to. I unfold my arms and loosen up, because out of all the people I know she's the only one that makes these sorts of questions.

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