~Chapter 12~ Such a h**

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Next morning

I woke up immediatly when I heard Grace moaning out loud. What was she moaning about? I had to know. I opened my door a bit and what did I see? A MAN ZIPPING UP HIS PANTS AND GETTING OUT FROM DADDY AND GRACE'S BEDROOM!!!! What was I supposed to do now?! She-She can't do that to daddy! She can't do that to MY daddy!! I really need explanations.

I got out of my bedroom at the same time Grace did. I stood in front of her as I frowned. She was only wearing a nightgrown.

"How could you?!?!?!?!" I asked, placing my hands on my waist.

She looked at me and I could see she lost words. "I-I'm so sorry Hailie, I just, I feel so alone..."

Tears started to roll down my cheeks. "Why did you have to break daddy's heart?! He already got it break so many times! He doesn't need a bitch like you!!!"

She slapped me. Can you even believe it? She fucking slapped me.

I ran back in my room and slammed it.

She knocked on the door, begging me to forgive her. "Hailie, please..."

I didn't know what to do.. Shall I call daddy and tell him? Shall I let daddy know it by himself? Shall I tell him the girl he's about to marry slapped me?

I decided to call daddy but not to tell him about what happened, just because I needed to talk to him.

He answered the phone. "Hello?"

I smiled to myself. "Daddy."

"Hailie? Is something wrong?"

I wiped my tears away. "No."

"Don't lie to me."

"I just miss you."

He sighed. "Only one more week, hun."

I nodded. "I love you daddy."

I could hear him smile. "I love you too Hai-Hai."

I hung up the phone after a few minutes of talking with daddy.

Six days later...

DADDY COMES BACK TOMORROW!!!! I can't wait!! The week with Grace has been horrible cause we don't talk to each other. She didn't invite this guy again since I caught her but I still can't forgive her. She said I could trust her and I did... I could never trust her again. I thought she really was a good person. I thought she really loved daddy. But all this shit was just a huge lie. I wonder how daddy's gonna react when he'll know about that. I really hope he's gonna throw her out.

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