~Chapter 3~ Daddy's new girl

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Excitement, happiness, joy, anger, shock.... So many feelings was twisting through my mind. I threw my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

He pulled back.

"I thought you'd only come back next month...?" I asked as he laid himself against the wall.

"I didn't want to miss Whitney's birthday and I wanted to introduce someone to ya'll."

Daddy said, pointing downstairs.

We headed downstairs and there was a brunette girl, much smaller than daddy I'd say, she looked pretty though. She looked at me and smiled a bright smile.

"Hello, I'm Grace." She said.

"I'm Hailie." I simply answered politely.

"I know. Your dad told me alot about you." She smiled, looking at daddy.

They both sat on the couch while I was just standing here like an idiot. Grace cuddled herself against daddy. Wait, she was cuddling against MY dad... WAS IT A JOKE?????

I needed explanations so I pulled daddy to the kitchen and frowned.

"Who the hell is she?" I asked. I could feel anger running through my body.

"She's Grace.. My new girlfriend." Daddy smiled gently.

His new what?

I looked down as I remembered something. "What about mommy..?"

Daddy sighed and rubbed my arm gently. "Baby, you know mommy and I will never get back together." He said calmly.

My dad Marshall, My famous dad EminemWhere stories live. Discover now