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                                                         ~Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer~

Arthur just held me in his arms and whispered sweet words into ears, he never asked what happened. He held me for a long time until he said '' Darling let go of me will you, I know I am handsome but I need to get something for you to cover up with''

I giggled at this as I knew he was just trying to make me laugh, I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him blushing furiously. Arthur looked at me and caressed my cheek with his thumb, I flinched when his thumb caressed the cut in my face, Suddenly the warm and soft look in his eyes and they turned dark suggesting he is enraged. He asked me '' Who did this ''

I quietly answered '' Greg, he is the trader's son and my stepmother wants me to get married to him'' I watched Arthur's face closely to gauge his reaction but all I got again was an angry face. He got up from where we were seated and offered me his arm, I took his hand and got up. He put his one arm on my shoulder holding me close as I was still too weak to walk on my own.

We walked a short distance before I saw his horse, the same one from yesterday. Arthur made me sit on a nearby rock and went to his horse. He took out a small bag and came to me, He took out what seemed like herbs and a piece of cloth. 

He kneeled on the ground and took my feet in his hands and started examining it, that is when I noticed a tiny scar on his left cheek I extended my hand and caressed it and he just leaned into my hand .I smiled at him but he was soo focused on applying the herbs on my feet that he never noticed,I suddenly relished and asked him '' do you always carry around herbs ''

He replied without looking up from the wound '' I sword-fight and tend to get hurt a lot ,so I carry it everywhere''

He had a long and crooked nose, sculpted jaw beautiful green eyes they were dark just like the forest beautiful he had long beautiful lashes thick and sculpted eyebrows dark and lustrous hair lock.

When I glided my thumb along the scar on his face he shivered and lifted his head and looked into my eyes, it felt as if he looked read my thoughts and see straight through my soul. his dark green eyes seemed mysterious felt as if the hard mask on his face fell, his forest green eyes held a lot of pain and longing.

His eyes dropped to my lips and back to me, even though he is just a stranger I met I felt a strong pull towards him and I found myself leaning towards him and so was he

my eyes fluttered closed and his hooded eyes looked at me through his lashes, his breath falling on my lips giving me tingling sensations. A shiver ran down my spine, and he looked at me asking for permission and I just leaned forward

her lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her lipstick lingered far after she had gone. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the euphoric, happy, and the toe-curling sensations it gave me.

Slowly he pulled out and rested his forehead on mine and he looked at me through his hooded eyes, all I saw were love admiration and warmth, just the assurance I needed as it was my first kiss

He smiled and gave me one more peck and I just melted into his arms, he looked at me and said'' wow!'' I blushed as all the blood in my body rushed into my cheeks and he just grinned at me with a mishscevious glint in his eyes ''that was the best kiss I ever had Lora''

I blushed again but tried to hide my blush by asking'' Lora? and does that mean you have been kissed before, well that is stupid I shouldn't have asked you that though you are my first kiss and I am shy but that doesn't mean I am an ashy girl I can be bold... Now I am just rambling aren't I''

He looks at me for a moment seriously and I cower under his intense gaze before he busts out laughing. I keep staring at him like a creep, he looks beautiful and handsome while laughing his cold attitude was long gone

I felt proud that I was the one who made him laugh

I snapped out of my thoughts when I hear him call me '' Lora? I asked to do wanna stay for some time with me, we could spend some time together''

I looked at him and blurted out'' like a date?'' and when I realized what I asked the tip of his ears turn pink I just go Awwww...........

He quickly composes himself and replies'' Yes Lora like a date, just you, me and the forest'' he winks at me and I blush again and murmur a yes.

Why wouldn't I wanna be with the one person whose eyes show love and care for me just what I yearned for






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