Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa ||Angst and Fluff||

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guys im gonna cry. i stayed up late last night to finish this only to realize i didnt properly post it :'(

yayayay i got another request so here we goooo (the song is backstroke by Dizzy :)) 

(Y/n)'s POV

I sit up straighter the moment I see Hanako entering the bathroom. He was the one who told me to come at 6 am and made me wait over an hour for him as it is currently 7:13. I clutch the bag of homemade doughnuts I made yesterday in my hand. This isn't the first time he made me wait this long. I don't mind though. At least I try not to.

"(Y/n)! I'm sorry I was late!" he half yells as he enters. In truth, I was super excited that he asked me to meet with him since I have a fat crush on him. I smile. "That's fine! I didn't..." I trail off when I notice Yashiro enter close behind him.

So he made me wait in this bathroom for over an hour because he was with Yashiro? I feel my good mood melt into heartache. Do I really matter that little?

"Hello? Earth to (Y/n)-chan?" Yashiro asks, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my daze and force on a smile. "Oh uh Hi Yashiro! Sorry, I'm just a little tired..." a little tired from staying up all night making these doughnuts then getting up early to meet with Hanako... I think to myself.

Disappointment weighs heavily on my shoulders. I know he doesn't like me in the way I like him but it really hurts when he makes it this obvious.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Hanako asks, looking concerned. This side of him has always been the side that makes me swoon. When he pretends to care about me. "I'm fine." I say again.

"Oh, well I was just saying, I'm sorry for making you wait so long." he apologies with a sheepish smile. It makes me melt.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking," I start, standing up and stretching my stiff legs, "Why were you late?"

He looks at me blankly and then to Yashiro. "Oh, well Yashiro needed help with blah blah blah." I tune him out. So he really was late because he was with Yashiro. I bet if Yashiro was waiting here instead and I needed help he'd go to her first. I clench my fist around the bag of doughnuts in frustration.

I feel my heart sink. He always chooses Yashiro over me. Not just today but all the time. I feel my eyes prick with tears. "Hey," I say, cutting off Yashiro who was talking, "I just remembered something I needed to do." I say, pretending that I had totally forgotten something important.

"Oh! Do you need our help?" Yashiro asks. Of course it's her who asks and not my crush. I look over to Hanako, who's not even looking at me. "Nope! I'll be fine, thanks." I say over my shoulder, already walking off.

Authors POV

(Y/n) half runs, half walks out of the bathroom. A few seconds of silence pass. "UGH HANAKO THAT WAS SO BAD!" Yashiro practically yells at the ghost boy. "When you said this morning that you had love issues I didn't think it would be this bad!" she scolds. "Even I could probably talk to Minamoto-senpai better than that! Did you see how annoyed she was?!" Yashiro continued to scold the poor ghost boy who was already feeling bad. "And what was that about me needing help? You were the one who needed it!"

"This is exactly why I asked for your help! You see how awkward I am around her!" he yells out pathetically. "What you need is a good way to make her fall for you..." Yashiro tells him. "But how?"

Yashiro fishes into her backpack, pulling out a tattered, old book titled "Methods Of Love, A Hundred Strategies".

"You... you kept that?" Hanako asks, holding in his laughter. "This is what we're using!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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