Chapter 3 : Reconciliation

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Olivia and Elliot were having an argument, Elliot didn't want Olivia to get into trouble, but Olivia wanted to help all these women and she knew that if she didn't she would be very angry.
"Fuck Elliot! What's going on with you?" Olivia asked still so angry.
I don't want you to put yourself in danger! Elliot answers more and more enraged.
- Elliot, I'm over 15! I'm old enough to choose and then you're not my husband!
- You have never had such a long relationship with a man as with me!
- Elliot, you're going too far! Say Olivia with her eyes filled with tears "
Olivia slapped Elliot then left the apartment, she decided to go to a cafe not far from where she was.
After a few hours she returned, Elliot was on the balcony, Olivia came forward and sat next to him she had seen her cry only rarely so she was surprised to see that a small tear escaped her eyes.
"Do you know why I signed the divorce papers? Asks Elliot.
Why? Olivia answers.
- Because Kathy thinks our relationship is too ambiguous and I didn't want us to tear ourselves apart.
- It's a step in the right direction ...
- I didn't think it would come to this.
- And us .... It's okay?
- I just need distance when I don't agree with you because otherwise I have the impression of losing my teammate.
- so far you've never had your tongue in your pocket.
- well, things are changing.
- as you say I have never had such a long relationship with a man, who else could support me.
- (Elliot smiles)
- Aren't you hungry?
- I would have a bite to eat, who pays?
- you are going to have a divorce and you have 4 children so it's you.
- that's what I thought. "

~ 3 hour later ~
Olivia and Elliot had come home from the restaurant, it was late so they both left for their rooms.
A few hours later Elliot heard his partner's scream, he picked up his gun and ran to his room, Olivia was having difficulty breathing and she was crying, Elliot had never seen him in this state before.
"Liv? What's going on? Elliot asks worriedly.
I ... I saw it ... Olivia answers.
- Who ?
- I can still hear his growl, his gaze, the sound of his voice and his stinking sweat. Every night I wake up suffocating because I can hear it over and over again.
- Liv ... It's over, I'm here "
He hugged her and for the first time in a long time Olivia felt safe, she fell asleep in his arms and Elliot ended up falling asleep too.
The next morning Elliot was the first to wake up, Olivia was still in his arms and her mouth was inches from his, he could hear the sound of her breathing and the warmth of her body, he wanted to 'kiss and caressed the curves of her body but he couldn't.
Olivia woke up and looked Elliot in the eyes he was in bed and in his arms, she too wanted to kiss him, she felt like she was protected from the world.

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